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Exploring Wavelets Toward an Automatic Microcalcification Detection in Breast Cancer




2-D wavelet transform decomposition is widely used in computer aided detection of microcalcifications in mammograms. The aim of this work is to investigate the better type of wavelet and its optimal potential level of decomposition that gives us better detection. Our algorithm consists of four steps: First, dimension reduction is performed on the mammography images to delimitate the ROI (Region of Interest). Second, microcalcification profiles are extracted from digital mammograms. Next, a 1-D WT with different families of wavelet is applied on the signal up to the sixth level. Finally, comparison between details coefficients of each level is done to carry out the optimal level. To validate our result, 2-D wavelet transform decomposition and reconstruction with the better wavelet and up to its optimal level is applied on digital mammograms from the DDSM (Digital Database for Screening Mammography) to carry out microcalcifications.
机译:2-D小波变换分解广泛用于乳房X光检查的计算机辅助检测微钙化。这项工作的目的是调查更好的小波类型及其最佳潜在分解水平,使我们更好地检测。我们的算法由四个步骤组成:首先,对乳房X线摄影图像进行尺寸减少以划分ROI(感兴趣的区域)。其次,从数字乳房X线照片中提取微碳化型材。接下来,将具有不同小波系的1-D WT在信号上施加到第六级。最后,完成每个级别的细节系数之间的比较来执行最佳水平。为了验证我们的结果,将2-D小波变换分解和使用更好的小波和最佳水平的重建应用于来自DDSM(用于筛选乳房X线摄影)进行微钙化的数字乳房X光检查。



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