
A projectized path towards an effective industry-university-cluster: Ruhrvalley




The strength of the German economy is the backbone of the technology-driven small- and midsize enterprises (SMEs). SME focus on small but very advanced niches and can be world-market leaders in their domain. To provide solutions to customers, they form SME clusters. A very important driver for successful technology regions are industry-university-cooperations [1] with a focus on applied sciences [2]. Starting 2017, the German federal ministry of research and education funded 10 excellent clusters driven by universities of applied sciences in Germany. The cluster ruhrvalley [3] started operation with 7 research institutes, 40+ companies (including 15+ own technology spin offs) and a wide network of partners. The focus is on "mobility and energy for metropolitan change" including technologies like eMobility, renewable energies, Internet-of-things and IT security with the aim to develop system solutions on a metropolitan scale. The cluster is located in Germans largest metropolitan agglomeration - the Ruhr Valley. The cluster management is based on a fully projectized approach putting innovative researchers and companies into effective interaction by deploying a tailored portfolio of project types and cooperation formats. The orchestration of this project portfolio and the stimulation of innovations and new businesses form a kind of a "project circus" [4]. It is crucial to monitor the effectivity and efficiency of this approach constantly and to adapt the project types and format to the desired outcome. We will present the projectized innovation management and the controlling approach (based on a score card) with first results.
机译:德国经济实力是技术驱动的中小企业的中坚力量。 SME专注于小型但非常先进的细分市场,并且可以在其领域内成为世界市场的领导者。为了向客户提供解决方案,他们组成了SME集群。成功的技术领域的一个非常重要的推动力是产业-大学合作[1],重点是应用科学[2]。从2017年开始,德国联邦研究与教育部资助了10个由德国应用科学大学驱动的优秀集群。 ruhrvalley集群[3]开始与7个研究机构,40多家公司(包括15多家自己的技术衍生公司)和广泛的合作伙伴网络一起运营。重点是“用于城市变革的交通和能源”,包括诸如eMobility,可再生能源,物联网和IT安全之类的技术,旨在开发城市规模的系统解决方案。该集群位于德国最大的城市群-鲁尔河谷(Ruhr Valley)。集群管理基于完全计划化的方法,通过部署量身定制的项目类型和合作格式组合,使创新的研究人员和公司进行有效的互动。这个项目组合的编排以及创新和新业务的刺激形成了一种“项目马戏团” [4]。至关重要的是,不断监控这种方法的有效性和效率,并使项目类型和格式适应所需的结果。我们将首先展示计划的创新管理和控制方法(基于计分卡)。



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