首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Robotics and Automation Engineering >A robotic tour guide using a NAO T14 humanoid with a wheeled mobile platform

A robotic tour guide using a NAO T14 humanoid with a wheeled mobile platform

机译:一种机器人导游,使用带有轮式移动平台的NAO T14人型的机器人导游



A NAO humanoid T14 model is employed to perform the functionalities of a tour guide for a college of engineering building. A wheeled mobile platform is designed and implemented to allow the robot to navigate. The software framework is developed to support a database of room descriptions, room number recognition, speech/gestures throughout the tour, as well as remote control of motion and live streaming of video captured by the robot to provide virtual tours. Future research on the tour guide robot is presented. This multi-year project provides opportunities for undergraduate students to conduct practical robotics research.
机译:使用Nao Hulanoid T14模型,用于对工程建筑学院进行导游的功能。设计和实现了一个轮式移动平台,以允许机器人导航。开发了软件框架,支持整个旅游中的房间描述,房间识别,语音/手势的数据库,以及远程控制机器人捕获的视频的运动和实时流,以提供虚拟旅行。提出了关于导游机器人的未来研究。这个多年项目为本科生开展实际机器人研究提供了机会。



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