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Design and realization of professional title evaluation system for high educational institutions based on J2EE techniques




Professional title evaluation is very complex due to the large number of candidates and multiple management departments involved. It is always a troublesome and low efficiency job with huge manpower needed and many potential errors under manual operation. This paper aims at the design and implementation of a network-based database management system, using B/S model, J2EE and Oracle database as platform. The system makes the title evaluation procedure informatization and standardization, which includes dynamic release of project application, appraisal, as well as public notice of the outcomes.
机译:由于涉及大量候选人和涉及多个管理部门,因此职称评估非常复杂。这总是一项麻烦且效率低下的工作,需要大量的人力和手动操作下的许多潜在错误。本文以B / S模型,J2EE和Oracle数据库为平台,设计并实现了基于网络的数据库管理系统。该系统使标题评估程序信息化和标准化,其中包括动态发布项目申请,评估以及结果公告。



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