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A Brief Analysis of V ge N in Chinese: A Construction Grammar Account

机译:浅析汉语中的V ge N:一个构造语法说明



The General classifier 个 [ge] is normally located between a numeral and a noun. In a post-verbal position, ge is found to be used in some unusual positions, e.g. in compound verbs or between the verb and an adjective. Ge in this [V ge X] pattern has attracted much attention in Chinese linguistic research (Zhang, 2003; Lue, 1984; Biq, 2004). Most of the research focuses on the properties of ge, but the discussion about the [V ge X] pattern as a whole is limited. The main task of this research is to argue that the post-verbal ge and its context form a construction with a telic and bounded aspectual meaning within the framework of Construction Grammar. In addition, the omission of numeral - [yi] (one) in post-verbal NPs triggers the emergence of this construction.
机译:通用分类器个[ge]通常位于数字和名词之间。在口语后的位置中,发现ge被用于某些不寻常的位置,例如在复合动词中或在动词和形容词之间。这种以[V ge X]模式出现的Ge在中国语言学研究中引起了很多关注(Zhang,2003; Lue,1984; Biq,2004)。大部分研究都集中在ge的性质上,但是关于[V ge X]模式作为整体的讨论是有限的。这项研究的主要任务是论证后语言的ge及其上下文在建构语法的框架内构成了带有提要和有限的方面意义的建构。此外,在后语言NP中省略数字-[yi](一个)触发了这种结构的出现。



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