首页> 外文会议>IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition >Classification of Tensors and Fiber Tracts Using Mercer-Kernels Encoding Soft Probabilistic Spatial and Diffusion Information

Classification of Tensors and Fiber Tracts Using Mercer-Kernels Encoding Soft Probabilistic Spatial and Diffusion Information




In this paper, we present a kernel-based approach to the clustering of diffusion tensors and fiber tracts. We propose to use a Mercer kernel over the tensor space where both spatial and diffusion information are taken into account. This kernel highlights implicitly the connectivity along fiber tracts. Tensor segmentation is performed using kernel-PCA compounded with a landmark-Isomap embedding and k-means clustering. Based on a soft fiber representation, we extend the tensor kernel to deal with fiber tracts using the multi-instance kernel that reflects not only interactions between points along fiber tracts, but also the interactions between diffusion tensors. This unsupervised method is further extended by way of an atlas-based registration of diffusion-free images, followed by a classification of fibers based on nonlinear kernel Support Vector Machines (SVMs). Promising experimental results of tensor and fiber classification of the human skeletal muscle over a significant set of healthy and diseased subjects demonstrate the potential of our approach.
机译:在本文中,我们提出了一种基于内核的扩散张量和纤维束的聚类方法。我们建议在张量空间上使用Mercer内核,其中考虑了空间和扩散信息。此内核突出显示沿光纤沿线的连接。使用具有标志性ISOMAP嵌入和K-MEASE聚类的核 - PCA进行张量分割。基于软纤维表示,我们使用多实例内核来扩展张量内核,以处理光纤沟,不仅反映了沿纤维束之间的点之间的相互作用,而且还要延伸光纤沟,而且还延伸了纤维暗影之间的相互作用,还可以使用扩散张量的相互作用。这种无监督的方法通过基于地图的基于地图的无扩散图像进行了进一步扩展,然后基于非线性内核支持向量机(SVM)的纤维分类。有希望的张量和纤维分类的实验结果在一系列大量健康和患病的受试者中,人类骨骼肌的抗骨骼肌展示了我们方法的潜力。



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