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Fast Grid-Based Path Finding for Video Games




Grid-based path finding is required in many video games and virtual worlds to move agents. With both map sizes and the number of agents increasing, it is important to develop path finding algorithms that are efficient in memory and time. In this work, we present an algorithm called DBA~* that uses a database of pre-computed paths to reduce the time to solve search problems. When evaluated using benchmark maps from Dragon Age?, DBA~* requires less memory and time for search, and performs less pre-computation than comparable real-time search algorithms. Further, its suboptimality is less than 3%, which is better than the PRA~* implementation used in Dragon Age?.
机译:在许多视频游戏和虚拟世界中需要基于网格的路径查找来移动代理。通过两个地图大小和代理的数量增加,重要的是开发在内存和时间有效的路径查找算法。在这项工作中,我们呈现了一种名为DBA〜*的算法,它使用预计算机数据库来减少解决搜索问题的时间。当使用来自Dragon Age的基准映射进行评估时,DBA〜*需要更少的内存和时间进行搜索,并且执行比可比较的实时搜索算法更少的预算。此外,其次优化小于3%,这比龙龄中使用的PRA〜*实施更好?



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