首页> 外文会议>International conference on transportation information and safety >Analysis of Human Errors Effect Factors Based on Job Stress for Air Traffic Controllers

Analysis of Human Errors Effect Factors Based on Job Stress for Air Traffic Controllers




Air Traffic Control plays an important role in the safety of air transportation. Subsequently, the job stress of air traffic controllers is one of the factors that affect aviation safety. This paper uses SPSS 11.5 and Amos 17.0 software to analyze the relationship between job stress and human errors through questionnaire data. The study shows that there is a significant positive correlation between job stress and human errors. The sources job stress for air traffic controllers include the stress of the job itself, role stress, interpersonal relation stress, organization structure and atmosphere stress, home/work conflict stress, and career development stress. The demographic variables that have an influence on human errors for air traffic controllers have also been confirmed, such as age, work experience, and level of education.
机译:空中交通管制在空运安全方面发挥着重要作用。随后,空中交通管制人的工作压力是影响航空安全的因素之一。本文使用SPSS 11.5和AMOS 17.0软件来通过调查问卷数据分析工作压力与人类错误之间的关系。研究表明,工作压力和人为错误之间存在显着的正相关。空中交通管制员的来源工作压力包括工作本身的压力,角色压力,人际关系压力,组织结构和大气压力,家庭/工作冲突压力和职业发展压力。对空中交通管制员人类错误影响的人口变量也得到了确认,例如年龄,工作经验和教育程度。



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