
Causal Learnability




The ability to predict, or at least recognize, the state of the world that an action brings about, is a central feature of autonomous agents. We propose, herein, a formal framework within which we investigate whether this ability can be autonomously learned. The framework makes explicit certain premises that we contend are central in such a learning task: (ⅰ) slow sensors may prevent the sensing of an action's direct effects during learning; (ⅱ) predictions need to be made reliably in future and novel situations. We initiate in this work a thorough investigation of the conditions under which learning is or is not feasible. Despite the very strong negative learnability results that we obtain, we also identify interesting special cases where learning is feasible and useful.
机译:预测或至少识别动作所导致的世界状态的能力是自治主体的主要特征。我们在这里提出一个正式的框架,在其中我们可以研究是否可以自主学习这种能力。该框架明确规定了我们认为在此类学习任务中至关重要的前提:(ⅰ)慢速传感器可能会阻止在学习过程中感测到动作的直接影响; (ⅱ)在未来和新颖的情况下需要可靠地做出预测。我们在这项工作中开始对学习是否可行的条件进行彻底的调查。尽管我们获得了非常强烈的负面可学习性结果,但我们也发现了有趣的特殊情况,在这些情况下,学习是可行和有用的。



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