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Energy Management Options for an Electric Vehicle with Hydraulic Regeneration System




Energy security and climate change challenges provide a strong impetus for investigating Electric Vehicle (EV) concepts. EVs link two major infrastructures, the transportation and the electric power grid. This provides a chance to bring other sources of energy into transportation, displace petroleum and, with the right mix of power generation sources, reduce CO_2 emissions. The main obstacles for introducing a large numbers of EVs are cost, battery weight, and vehicle range. Battery health is also a factor, both directly and indirectly, by introducing limits on depth of discharge. This paper considers a low-cost path for extending the range of a small urban EV by integrating a parallel hydraulic system for harvesting and reusing braking energy. The idea behind the concept is to avoid replacement of lead-acid or small Li-Ion batteries with a very expensive Li-Ion pack, and instead use a low-cost hydraulic system to achieve comparable range improvements. A Matlab/ SIMULINK model was developed to simulate a baseline EV truck with a series wound DC motor and lead-acid batteries. The simulation was validated with tests at the US EPA National Vehicle and Fuel Efficiency Lab. Subsequently, the hydraulic pump/motor and accumulator models were integrated to create an EV-Hydraulic Hybrid and the simulation was used to explore tradeoffs related to improving battery health, reducing the overall energy demand, and increasing the range. Preliminary strategy was focused on maximizing the driving range, but insight obtained through the analysis of interactions in the system enabled refinements that significantly benefit battery health without compromising electric range.
机译:能源安全和气候变化挑战为研究电动汽车(EV)概念提供了强大的动力。电动汽车将两个主要基础设施联系在一起,即交通和电网。这提供了一个机会,可以将其他能源带入运输,替代石油,并通过适当混合使用各种发电源,减少CO_2的排放。引入大量电动汽车的主要障碍是成本,电池重量和车辆续驶里程。通过引入放电深度限制,电池健康状况也是直接和间接的一个因素。本文考虑了一种通过集成用于收集和再利用制动能量的并行液压系统来扩展小型城市电动汽车范围的低成本途径。该概念背后的思想是避免用非常昂贵的锂离子电池组替换铅酸电池或小型锂离子电池,而是使用低成本的液压系统来实现可比的范围改进。开发了Matlab / SIMULINK模型,以模拟带有串联绕线型直流电动机和铅酸电池的电动卡车。该模拟已通过美国EPA国家车辆和燃油效率实验室的测试进行了验证。随后,将液压泵/马达和蓄能器模型集成在一起,以创建EV-液压混合动力车,并通过仿真来探索与改善电池健康状况,减少总体能源需求以及扩大范围有关的权衡取舍。初步策略的重点是最大化行驶里程,但是通过分析系统中的相互作用获得的见识可以进行改进,从而在不影响电动行驶里程的情况下显着改善电池的健康状况。



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