
Shortfall-Risk Minimizing Hedging Based on MCMC Method




Many researchers have studied the multi-period shortfall-risk minimizing hedging problem under jump-diffusion settings, however, up to now, there has not been many literatures to directly present the analytic solution for such a hedging problem. In this paper, defining the terminal shortfall as hedging risk, we research the minimal shortfall-risk hedging problem of European option by means of MCMC method. Firstly, we look on the underlying asset's positions held at each strategy rebalancing moment during option's maturity as a random vector; then, we aptly construct this random vector's conditional joint probability density function, from which we sample a Markov chain, according to the Bayes principle and Ergodic theorem, the drawn Markov chain will congregate around the optimal strategy with higher probability and converge to it, thus, it's reasonable to substitute the optimal hedging position with the averaged value of this Markov chain; finally, experimental analysis results illustrate that our method is not only feasible but convenient to manipulate while being helpful and referential to hedging practice.
机译:许多研究人员已经研究了在跳跃扩散条件下将多期短缺风险最小化的套期保值问题,但是,到目前为止,还没有很多文献直接提出这种套期保值问题的解析解。在本文中,将终端缺口定义为对冲风险,我们通过MCMC方法研究了欧式期权的最小缺口风险对冲问题。首先,我们将期权到期时在每个策略重新平衡时刻持有的基础资产的头寸作为随机向量;然后,适当地构造该随机向量的条件联合概率密度函数,从中抽取一个马尔可夫链,根据贝叶斯原理和Ergodic定理,绘制的马尔可夫链将以较高的概率聚集在最优策略周围并收敛于最优策略。 ,用该马尔可夫链的平均值替代最​​优套期保值位置是合理的;最后,实验分析结果表明,该方法不仅可行,而且操作方便,对套期保值实践具有参考和借鉴意义。



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