
Coherence Ordering for Ring-based Chip Multiprocessors




Ring interconnects may be an attractive solution for future chip multiprocessors because they can enable faster links than buses and simpler switches than arbitrary switched interconnects. Moreover, a ring naturally orders requests sufficiently to enable directory-less coherence, but not in the total order that buses provide for snooping coherence. Existing cache coherence protocols for rings either establish a (total) ordering point (ORDERING-POINT) or use a greedy order (GREEDY-ORDER) with unbounded retries. In this work, we propose a new class of ring protocols, RINGORDER, in which requests complete in ring position order to achieve two benefits. First, RING-ORDER improves performance relative to ORDERING-POINT by activating requests immediately instead of waiting for them to reach the ordering point. Second, it improves performance stability relative to GREEDY-ORDER by not using retries. Thus, the new RING-ORDER combines the best of ORDERING-POINT (good performance stability) with the best ofGREEDY-ORDER (good average performance).



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