
Nerd Work




The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors that attract as well as discourage students who display an initial interest in IT careers. Factors influencing students one way or the other may include media images of IT, role models, gender, and age. The study proposes to investigate these factors by focusing on the first programming course that is standard in many IT curricula. Demographic factors of students who enroll and either withdraw, pass, or fail the course will be analyzed, and then the same students will be surveyed to examine in greater depth their perceptions, both negative and positive, about IT careers and IT professionals. The results will provide educators and practitioners with information about myths that students hold that need to be dispelled, as well as the possible need to convey more realistic perspectives on the breadth and variety of IT jobs. Identification of these factors can help in recruiting as well as retaining a greater number of qualified students and ultimately increasing the supply of qualified IT workers.





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