




In the Western World over the last 300 years or so; spirituality has become a casualty in the development of human knowledge. Traditional Christian religion has tended to become rigid in its formulation; maintaining a worldview that sees the earth as the centre of the universe and 'man' as God's special creation given dominion over the earth and everything in it. Reductionist science has taken us to the opposite extreme; seeing the world as a mere rock in an obscure and unimportant part of the cosmos brought into being by sheer random events. Both traditional religion and reductionist science separate us from the world we live in and see the earth and everything in it as available for our use as we please.These views have led to immense levels of pain and destruction at all levels of being. We need a new vision that returns our dignity as human beings so we can truly play our role as integral parts of a bountiful planet and a meaningful universe.There are many other spiritual visions that have been with us for thousands of years that retain our links to the environment and have much to offer us and may help us regain our balance. We can incorporate aspects of these forms of ancient wisdom into our vision for this new century.Systems Theory introduces a new way of looking at the world where we recognise that the old ways of separating ourselves from our world will no longer work. We must accept our place in nature and acknowledge and work with the complexity that is inherent at all levels of our existence.The new science of Systems Theory may help provide a framework for such a worldview and guide us as we co-create a spiritual vision to lead us into the extremely challenging 21s1 century. A systems view embeds us firmly within nature and places a responsibility on us to work appropriately with each other and with our natural environment. It gives us a place of dignity in our world. A systems based approach recognises the place of chaos in our lives and gives us the hope of emergent possibilities of what we can become. This paper explores these ideas and develops some principles that may help see how Systems Theory might play its role in redefining ourselves for the coming years.
机译:在过去300年左右的西方世界中;灵性已成为人类知识发展的受害者。传统基督教在其表述上趋于僵化。维持一种世界观,将地球视为宇宙的中心,并将“人”视为上帝的特殊创造物,赋予了对地球及其内部所有事物的支配权。还原论科学把我们带到了相反的极端。视世界为纯粹的岩石,这是纯粹的随机事件在宇宙的晦涩而无关紧要的一部分中产生的。传统宗教和还原主义科学都将我们与我们所生活的世界分隔开来,并且可以随意地看到地球及其中的一切。 这些观点在各个层面上导致了巨大的痛苦和破坏。我们需要一种新的愿景,以恢复我们作为人类的尊严,以便我们能够真正发挥我们作为富饶星球和有意义的宇宙不可分割的一部分的作用。 几千年来,我们拥有许多其他的精神愿景,这些愿景保留了我们与环境的联系,并为我们提供了很多东西,并可能帮助我们重新获得平衡。我们可以将这些古老智慧形式的各个方面纳入我们对新世纪的愿景。 系统理论引入了一种看待世界的新方法,在该方法中,我们认识到将自己与世界分离的旧方法将不再起作用。我们必须接受我们在自然界中的地位,承认并以存在的各个层面固有的复杂性开展工作。 新的系统理论科学可以帮助提供这样一种世界观的框架,并在我们共同创造一种精神愿景以引导我们进入极具挑战性的21世纪的过程中为我们提供指导。系统观点将我们牢牢地嵌入大自然之中,并赋予我们彼此和与自然环境适当合作的责任。它使我们在世界上享有尊严。基于系统的方法认识到混乱在我们生活中的位置,并给我们带来了成为未来的可能性的希望。本文探讨了这些思想并提出了一些原则,这些原则可能有助于了解系统理论如何在未来几年中重新定义自己。



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