首页> 外文会议>Symposium on GaN and related alloys >Base Transit time in Abrupt GaN/InGaN/GaN and AlGaN/GaN/AlGaN HBTs

Base Transit time in Abrupt GaN/InGaN/GaN and AlGaN/GaN/AlGaN HBTs




Base transit time, #tau#_b, in abrupt npnGaN/InGaN/GaN and AlGaN/GaN/AlGaN doubleheterojunction bipolar transistors (DHBTs) is reported. Basetransit time strongly depends not only on the quasi-neutral basewidth, but also on the low field electron mobility, #mu#_n, inthe neutral base region and the effective electron velocity, S_c,at the edge of base-collector heterojunction. #mu#_n and S_care temperature-dependent parameters. A unity gain cut-offfrequency of 10.6 GHz is obtained in AlGaN/GaN/AlGaNDHBTs and 19.1 GHz in GaN/InGaN/GaN DHBTs for aneutral base width of 0.05um. It is also shown that non-stationary transport is not required to study #tau#_b for neutralbase width in the range of 0.05um for GaN-based HBTs.
机译:据报道了基础运输时间,#TAU#_B,突然NPNGAN / INGAN / GAN和ALGAN / GAN / ALGAN DoubleheteroOjunction双极晶体管(DHBT)。 BaseTransit时间不仅取决于准中性底宽,而且在基础收集器异质结的边缘处的低场电子迁移率,#mu#_n,Inthe中性基区和有效的电子速度,s_c。 #mu#_n和s_care温度依赖参数。在Algan / GaN / Algandhbts和19.1GHz的GaN / Ingan / GaN DHBT中获得了10.6 GHz的Unity Gain-Fuckfuce。还表明,非静止的传输不需要在0.05um的基于GaN的Hbts的范围内研究#tau#_b。



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