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Ultra-short laser ablation of biological tissue


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The investigation of the mechanism of ultra-short laser ablation process of biological tissue represents one of the challenging subjects over the last couple of years. The femtosecond laser pulses are very well suited for high precision surgery, due to its low thermal and mechanical stress. The current research was emphasized on the examination of the interaction mechanism of high intensity ultra-short femtosecond and nanosecond laser pulses with hard biological tissue material (tooth, bones). It was established that femtosecond ablation works well for ablation of complex biological molecule systems. A more detailed view was taken by investigating the ablation dynamics at several wavelengths. The precise examination of the mass spectra of laser ablation with 193nm and 800 nm introduces the way of altering the chemical composition of the ablated tissue. In general, it was found that ablation with ultra-short (femtosecond) pulses at 800 nm radiation yields the highest number of characteristic ions. To better understand the interaction mechanism we have performed post-ionization experiments. It was of main importance to succeed to establish efficient ionization of the organic molecules with minimal fragmentation. This work demonstrates sensitivity of the time-of-flight (TOF) technique and the great potential of the laser ablation/ultra-short laser secondary neutrals mass spectroscopy (LA/US-LSNMS) method in increasing the information content of biomolecular mass spectra.
机译:对生物组织的超短激光消融过程机理的研究代表了最近几年的挑战性课题之一。飞秒激光脉冲由于其低的热应力和机械应力而非常适合于高精度手术。当前的研究重点在于检查高强度超短飞秒和纳秒激光脉冲与硬生物组织材料(牙齿,骨骼)的相互作用机理。已确定飞秒消融对复杂生物分子系统的消融效果很好。通过研究几种波长下的消融动力学,可以获得更详细的视图。对193nm和800nm激光烧蚀质谱的精确检查引入了改变烧蚀组织化学成分的方法。通常,发现在800 nm辐射下使用超短(飞秒)脉冲进行烧蚀会产生最多数量的特征离子。为了更好地了解相互作用机理,我们进行了电离后实验。成功建立具有最小碎片的有机分子有效电离至关重要。这项工作证明了飞行时间(TOF)技术的敏感性以及激光消融/超短激光二次中性质谱法(LA / US-LSNMS)在提高生物分子质谱信息含量方面的巨大潜力。



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