首页> 外文会议>ISOPE-2012;International offshore and polar engineering conference >Tension Leg Wind Turbine (TLWT) Conceptual Design Suitable for a Wide Range of Water Depths

Tension Leg Wind Turbine (TLWT) Conceptual Design Suitable for a Wide Range of Water Depths




Wind turbine technology has developed tremendously in the lastdecade resulting in the installation of large turbines with rated powergeneration of more than 5 MW. Such units with hub heights of morethan 90 m and the rotor diameter of more 120 m or more require carefulstudy of support structures. Bottom-supported structures can bedesigned cost effectively in relatively shallow water but the costeconomics can be challenging at water depths of about 50 m inrelatively harsh environments. This paper describes conceptual designof a positively buoyant Tension Leg Wind Turbine (TLWT) facilitysuitable for both moderate and deep water. It is competitive withbottom-supported structures in moderate water depths of 40 to 50 mbased on both fabrication and installation costs. The added advantageof the TLWT design is that floating structure design is largelyunaffected by the water depth. The design incorporates adequatepositive buoyancy so that only the magnitude of ballast is modified toaccount for the weight of tether lengths at different water depths.In addition to the description of the design, wind turbine characteristicsincorporated into design, description of design details, fabrication andinstallation options as well as applied ocean environment loadsaffecting the design of tethering system and the overall fabricated andinstalled costs are presented for both 50 and 100 m water depth sites.
机译:在过去的十年中,风力涡轮机技术得到了巨大的发展,导致安装了额定功率超过5兆瓦的大型涡轮机。轮毂高度大于90 m,转子直径大于120 m或更大的此类装置需要仔细研究支撑结构。可以在相对较浅的水中有效地设计底部支撑的结构,但在相对恶劣的环境中约50 m的水深处,成本经济可能会面临挑战。本文介绍了适用于中,深水的正浮力张紧腿风力涡轮机(TLWT)的概念设计。根据制造和安装成本,它与40至50 m中等水深的底部支撑结构具有竞争力。 TLWT设计的另一个优点是浮动结构设计在很大程度上不受水深的影响。该设计具有足够的正浮力,因此仅对压载物的大小进行了修改,以适应不同水深处的系绳长度的重量。除设计说明外,还将风轮机特性纳入设计,设计细节说明,制造和安装选项中以及影响系留系统设计的施加海洋环境负荷,以及50 m和100 m水深站点的总制造和安装成本。



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