
Probabilistic Opaque Quorum Systems


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Byzantine-fault-tolerant service protocols like Q/U and FaB Paxos that optimistically order requests can provide increased efficiency and fault scalability. However, these protocols require n ≥ 5b + 1 servers (where b is the maximum number of faults tolerated), owing to their use of opaque Byzantine quorum systems; this is 2b more servers than required by some non-optimistic protocols. In this paper, we present a family of probabilistic opaque Byzantine quorum systems that require substantially fewer servers. Our analysis is novel in that it assumes Byzantine clients, anticipating that a faulty client may seek quorums that maximize the probability of error. Using this as motivation, we present an optional, novel protocol that allows probabilistic quorum systems to tolerate Byzantine clients. The protocol requires only one additional round of interaction between the client and the servers, and this round may be amortized over multiple operations. We consider actual error probabilities introduced by the probabilistic approach for concrete configurations of opaque quorum systems, and prove that the probability of error vanishes with as few as n > 3.15b servers as n and b grow.
机译:乐观地对请求进行排序的拜占庭容错服务协议(例如Q / U和FaB Paxos)可以提供更高的效率和故障可伸缩性。但是,由于使用不透明的拜占庭仲裁系统,这些协议需要n≥5b +1个服务器(其中b是允许的最大错误数);这比某些非乐观协议所需的服务器多2b。在本文中,我们提出了一个概率不透明的拜占庭仲裁系统,该系统需要更少的服务器。我们的分析是新颖的,因为它假设拜占庭式客户,并预期有故障的客户可能会寻求使错误概率最大化的仲裁。以此为动机,我们提出了一种可选的新颖协议,该协议允许概率仲裁系统容忍拜占庭式客户端。该协议仅需要在客户端和服务器之间进行另一轮交互,并且可以通过多次操作来分摊此轮。我们考虑了概率方法为不透明仲裁系统的具体配置引入的实际错误概率,并证明随着n和b的增长,当n> 3.15b服务器时,错误概率就消失了。



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