首页> 外文会议>International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean International Congress(IMAM 2005); 20050926-30; Lisboa(PT) >Hydrodynamic adaptation of pre-swirl stators to propellers of high-speed marine crafts

Hydrodynamic adaptation of pre-swirl stators to propellers of high-speed marine crafts


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Hydrodynamic analysis of a proposed pre-swirl stator adaptation to submerged propellers of high-speed marine craft has been developed. The device has analytically improved the propulsion performance of high-speed marine crafts. Pre-swirl stator blades are applied to reduce propeller rotational energy losses, providing energy saving to high-speed marine crafts. As a hydrodynamic contribution of the present work, it is proposed to substitute the A-bracket strut with a hydrodynamic useful pre-swirl stator raw of blades, for the case of submerged type of propellers with inclined shafting. The hydrodynamic interaction between propeller and stator flow fields is investigated. The lifting surface theory has been applied to develop and solve the boundary value problems of the propeller and stator combined flow fields. Finally, the overall performance of propeller/stator device can be determined. Special computer programs are designed to perform the applications of the method on specific geometry of the proposed device and of planing hull. Results show an increase in the propeller/stator efficiency than that of propeller working alone when applied to high-speed marine craft.



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