
Design, Fabrication and Experimental-Numerical Study of PZT Sensors


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MEMS micropumps, based on PZT membranes have been designed and fabricated at the Microtechnology Laboratory of the University of Minnesota for use in fluid flow control, and as chemical and pressure sensors. Design, fabrication and numerical analyses of the PZT cantilever beams were presented at the MSM99, and are now extended to new MEMS devices; specifically reactive ion etched (RIE) bulk micromachined PZT membranes. Four major geometries including square, rectangular, circular and elliptic devices with different sizes have been successfully fabricated. The main advantage of the new devices is in providing more resonant points than the microcantilever beam, thus creating a larger working interval. Numerical studies have been carried out by using ANSYS Finite Element software. Numerical results compared well with the experimental findings.
机译:基于PZT膜的MEMS微型泵已经在明尼苏达大学的微技术实验室设计和制造,用于流体流量控制以及化学和压力传感器。 MSM99展示了PZT悬臂梁的设计,制造和数值分析,现已扩展到新的MEMS器件。特别是反应性离子蚀刻(RIE)整体微加工PZT膜。已经成功地制造出四个主要几何形状,包括具有不同尺寸的正方形,矩形,圆形和椭圆形器件。新设备的主要优点是比微悬臂梁提供更多的谐振点,从而产生更大的工作间隔。使用ANSYS Finite Element软件进行了数值研究。数值结果与实验结果进行了比较。



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