首页> 外文会议>International conference on micro- and nano-electronics 2009 >Penetration of quantum-mechanical current density under semi-infinite rectangular potential barrier as the consequence of the interference of the electron waves in semiconductor 2D nanostructures

Penetration of quantum-mechanical current density under semi-infinite rectangular potential barrier as the consequence of the interference of the electron waves in semiconductor 2D nanostructures


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In the present work, theoretical investigation of the influence of the electron interference effects on the inhomogeneous spatial distribution of the probability current density j_x (x, z) (or a quantum-mechanical current density ej_x (x, z), e is the electron charge) for the electron waves spreading along the x-axis in a semiconductor 2D nanostructures certain type is continued. We theoretically investigated behaviour of the ej_x (x, z) at falling of the electron wave on rectangular semi-infinite potential barrier (a potential wall) in height V_0 in semiconductor 2D nanostructure providing existence of the interference effects. We have considered a situation when in the 2D nanostructure, consisting in the direction of propagation of the electron wave two rectangular quantum wells (QW_s) of different width, at the left, from QW_1 the electronic wave of unit amplitude with energy E_x < V_0 on such barrier in QW_2 falls. We have shown, that in such structures the situation when under a barrier the quantum-mechanical current density ej_x (x, z) ≠ 0 and its amplitude exponentially dumped at x → ∞ is possible.



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