
Inducing Robust Decision Rules from Rough Approximations of a Preference Relation


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Given a data set describing a number of pairwise comparisons of reference objects made by a decision maker (DM), we wish to find a set of robust decision rules constituting a preference model of the DM. To accomplish this, we are constructing rough approximations of the comprehensive preference relation, called outranking, known from these pairwise comparisons. The rough approximations of the outranking relation are constructed using the Lorenz dominance relation on degrees of preference on particular criteria for pairs of reference objects being compared. The Lorenz dominance is used for its ability of drawing more robust conclusions from preference ordered data than the Pareto dominance. The rough approximations become a starting point for mining "if..., then ..." decision rules constituting a logical preference model. Application of the set of decision rules to a new set of objects gives a fuzzy outranking graph. Positive and negative flows are calculated for each object in the graph, giving arguments about its strength and weakness. Aggregation of both arguments by the Net Flow Score procedure leads to a final ranking. The approach can be applied to support multicriteria choice and ranking of objects when the input information is a set of pairwise comparisons of some reference objects.
机译:给定一个描述决策者(DM)进行的多个参考对象的成对比较的数据集,我们希望找到一组构成DM偏好模型的健壮决策规则。为此,我们正在构建从成对比较中获知的综合偏好关系的粗略近似,称为出位排序。使用关于比较对象对对的特定标准的优先级的洛伦兹优势关系,构造出排名关系的粗略近似。 Lorenz优势可用于从偏好排序数据中得出比Pareto优势更可靠的结论。粗略近似成为挖掘构成逻辑偏好模型的“如果……那么……”决策规则的起点。将决策规则集应用于一组新对象会得出模糊的排名图表。计算图中每个对象的正向和负向流动,并给出有关其优缺点的论据。通过净流量得分过程对两个参数进行汇总将得出最终排名。当输入信息是一些参考对象的成对比较的集合时,该方法可以应用于支持多准则选择和对象排名。



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