首页> 外文会议>International Joint Conference on Information, Media and Engineering >A Consideration of Media Environment Regarding Air Pollution Problems in China: Based on the Content Analysis of the Reports of 'People's Daily' from Jan. 1,1970 to Nov. 30,2011

A Consideration of Media Environment Regarding Air Pollution Problems in China: Based on the Content Analysis of the Reports of 'People's Daily' from Jan. 1,1970 to Nov. 30,2011

机译:关于中国空气污染问题的媒体环境的思考-基于《人民日报》 1970年1月1日至2011年11月30日报道的内容分析



The problem of PM2.5 in China has become a worldwide issue, and there are many daily reports covering it in many different forms. Actually, in China, air pollution coverage began in the 1970s, while news and features reported about greenhouse gases to particulate matter like PM2.5. By analyzing past coverage, the tendency of media attention and concern about air pollution issues regarding the mainstream consciousness, and the changes in reporting methods can be seen, and impacts on public opinion can also be inferred. In this study, a quantitative content analysis of the articles in the People's Daily newspaper from 1970.1.1 to 2011.11.30 was conducted. Based on the results, through 40 years of coverage, the public awareness of air pollution has taken shape. However, whether a deeper understanding and initiatives to participate have been formed are still problems.
机译:中国的PM2.5问题已经成为世界性的问题,每天都有许多报道以各种形式报道。实际上,在中国,空气污染的覆盖范围始于1970年代,而新闻和报道则报道了温室气体对PM2.5等颗粒物的污染。通过分析过去的报道,可以看到媒体关注和关注主流意识的空气污染问题的趋势,以及报道方法的变化,还可以推断出对公众舆论的影响。本研究对《人民日报》 1970.1.1至2011.11.30的文章进行了定量分析。根据调查结果,经过40年的覆盖,公众对空气污染的意识已经形成。但是,是否已经形成了更深刻的理解和参与倡议仍然是一个问题。



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