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What Makes a Good Robotic Advisor? The Role of Assertiveness in Human-Robot Interaction




The display of different levels of assertiveness by a robot can be an essential factor in determining the way it is perceived and the extent to which it can influence its users. To explore the persuasive abilities of social robots, we devised an interactive storytelling scenario, in which users had to make several decisions while being persuaded by two autonomous robots (each one displaying low, high or neutral levels of assertiveness). To evaluate how different levels of assertiveness affected the decision-making process, we conducted a user study (n = 61) in which we measured participants' perceptions of the robots, the valence of their emotional state and level of assertiveness. Our findings revealed that (a) the user's perception of assertive robots differed from their initial expectations about robots in general and (b) that robots displaying personality were more effective at influencing participants to change their decisions than robots displaying a neutral arrangement of traits.
机译:机器人显示不同级别的自信可能是确定感知方式及其对用户的影响程度的重要因素。为了探索社交机器人的说服力,我们设计了一个交互式讲故事的场景,其中用户必须在两个自主机器人的劝说下做出多项决定(每个机器人表现出自信的低,高或中性水平)。为了评估不同程度的自信心如何影响决策过程,我们进行了一项用户研究(n = 61),其中我们测量了参与者对机器人的感知,他们的情绪状态的价数和自信心水平。我们的发现表明,(a)用户对自信型机器人的感知与他们对机器人的最初期望有所不同,并且(b)具有个性的机器人比具有中性特征的机器人更能有效地影响参与者改变他们的决定。



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