首页> 外文会议>IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems;IROS 2009 >Intelligent distributed architecture (IDA) for mobile sensor data fusion

Intelligent distributed architecture (IDA) for mobile sensor data fusion




In this paper, we provide a new two-layer scalable architecture, intelligent distributed architecture (IDA). The first layer of IDA, the application layer, is responsible for the mission specific tasks. The second layer, the network layer, is responsible for relaying the information quickly to reduce latency. In order to increase efficiency, we propose an intelligent network layer that evaluates the network traffic through application provided policies. The evaluation assesses improved accuracy in bandwidth limited scenarios. IDA policies permit the application to drop, merge or modify the packets in real time from different sources. We demonstrate how this architecture can be applied to an example application, distributed target tracking. We also propose some new algorithms that can be used in conjunction with IDA for target tracking. Our experiments on this application show that IDA improves system performance when the bandwidth is limited.
机译:在本文中,我们提供了一种新的两层可伸缩体系结构,即智能分布式体系结构(IDA)。 IDA的第一层是应用程序层,负责任务特定的任务。第二层是网络层,负责快速中继信息以减少延迟。为了提高效率,我们提出了一个智能网络层,该层通过应用程序提供的策略评估网络流量。该评估评估在带宽受限的情况下提高的准确性。 IDA策略允许应用程序实时丢弃,合并或修改来自不同来源的数据包。我们演示了如何将该体系结构应用于示例应用程序,分布式目标跟踪。我们还提出了一些可以与IDA一起用于目标跟踪的新算法。我们在此应用程序上的实验表明,在带宽受限的情况下,IDA可提高系统性能。



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