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Why are Android Apps Removed From Google Play? A Large-Scale Empirical Study

机译:为什么从Google Play删除Android应用程序?大规模的实证研究



To ensure the quality and trustworthiness of the apps within its app market (i.e., Google Play), Google has released a series of policies to regulate app developers. As a result, policy-violating apps (e.g., malware, low-quality apps, etc.) have been removed by Google Play periodically. In reality, we have found that the number of removed apps are actually much more than what we have expected, as almost half of all the apps have been removed or replaced from Google Play during a two year period from 2015 to 2017. However, despite the significant number of removed apps, there are almost no study on the characterization of these removed apps. To this end, this paper takes the first step to understand why Android apps are removed from Google Play, aiming at observing promising insights for both market maintainers and app developers towards building a better app ecosystem. By leveraging two app sets crawled from Google Play in 2015 (over 1.5 million) and 2017 (over 2.1 million), we have identified a set of over 790K removed apps, which are then thoroughly investigated in various aspects. The experimental results have revealed various interesting findings, as well as insights for future research directions.
机译:为了确保其应用市场(即Google Play)中应用的质量和可信赖性,Google发布了一系列政策来规范应用开发者。因此,Google Play会定期删除违反政策的应用(例如,恶意软件,低质量的应用等)。实际上,我们发现已删除应用程序的数量实际上比我们预期的要多得多,因为从2015年到2017年的两年中,几乎所有应用程序都已从Google Play中删除或替换。但是,尽管大量已删除的应用程序,几乎没有关于这些已删除应用程序的特征的研究。为此,本文迈出了第一步,以了解为何从Google Play中删除Android应用程序的目的,旨在为市场维护者和应用程序开发人员观察有希望的见解,以建立更好的应用程序生态系统。通过利用2015年(超过150万个)和2017年(超过210万个)从Google Play抓取到的两个应用程序集,我们确定了超过790K个已删除应用程序集,然后对其进行了各个方面的全面研究。实验结果揭示了各种有趣的发现,以及对未来研究方向的见识。



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