首页> 外文会议>ICMIT 2005: Control Systems and Robotics pt.2 >Indoor localization and beacon calibration using ultrasonic and radio frequency

Indoor localization and beacon calibration using ultrasonic and radio frequency


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Using the ultrasonic and the radio frequency, a method for the robot localization and calibration was presented. The distance between the receiver and a beacon can be computed by using the difference between times of flight. The presented method uses the gradient of the maximum amplitude of the ultrasonic in order to measure the time of flight precisely. The measured three distances between the receiver and the beacon were used to compute the robot position by the direct inverse method and the iterated least square approximation method. This paper defines the calibration as the problem to find the location of 3 beacons and 3 robots, and presents 3 methods for it and found the 2B2R method as the best among them.



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