首页> 外文会议>Cockpit Displays VI: Displays for Defense Applications >Crewstation display interface standardization

Crewstation display interface standardization


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Abstract: Military sensors and crewstation displays are all moving to digital-based technologies, an epochal shift from the previous world of analog interfaces throughout the video chain. It is no longer possible to specify a sensor and display to the same interface specification such as the venerable RS-170 and RS- 343 standards without paying an unacceptable resolution penalty. Consequently a new standard is required to allow sensor and display manufacturers to easily design system interfaces without relying on cumbersome, costly and unique interface control documents. This paper presents one possible hardware and protocol standard based on FibreChannel technology, and solicits inputs into the standards setting process which is now in progress. !0
机译:摘要:军事传感器和乘员站显示器都在向基于数字的技术转移,这与整个视频链中以前的模拟接口世界发生了巨大的变化。不再需要指定传感器并以相同的接口规格(例如古老的RS-170和RS-343)显示,而不会付出不可接受的分辨率损失。因此,需要一种新的标准,以使传感器和显示器制造商能够轻松设计系统接口,而不必依赖繁琐,昂贵且独特的接口控制文档。本文提出了一种基于FibreChannel技术的可能的硬件和协议标准,并征求了正在制定的标准制定过程的意见。 !0



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