首页> 外文会议>Biophotonics and immune responses V >Can Dendritic Cells See Light?

Can Dendritic Cells See Light?


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There are many reports showing that low-level light/laser therapy (LLLT) can enhance wound healing; upregulate cell proliferation and has anti-apoptotic effects by activating intracellular protective genes. In the field of immune response study; it is not known with any certainty whether light/laser is pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory. Increasingly in recent times dendritic cells have been found to play an important role in inflammation and the immunological response. In this study; we try to look at the impact of low level near infrared light (810-nm) on murine bone-marrow derived dendritic cells. Changes in surface markers; including MHC II; CD80 and CDllc and the secretion of interleukins induced by light may provide additional evidence to reveal the mystery of how light affects the maturation of dendritic cells as well how these light-induced mature dendritic cells would affect the activation of adaptive immune response.
机译:有许多报道表明,低水平的光/激光疗法(LLLT)可以促进伤口愈合。通过激活细胞内保护性基因来上调细胞增殖并具有抗凋亡作用。在免疫反应研究领域;尚不确定光/激光是促炎性还是抗炎性。近年来,越来越多地发现树突状细胞在炎症和免疫应答中起重要作用。在这个研究中;我们尝试观察低水平的近红外光(810-nm)对小鼠骨髓来源的树突状细胞的影响。表面标记的变化;包括MHC II; CD80和CDllc以及光诱导的白介素分泌可能提供更多证据,揭示光如何影响树突状细胞成熟的谜团,以及这些光诱导的成熟树突状细胞如何影响适应性免疫应答的激活。



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