首页> 外文会议>AUVSI's unmanned systems North America 2004 >UAV System Architecture Requirements forCertifiable UAV Automatic Takeoff andLanding Operations

UAV System Architecture Requirements forCertifiable UAV Automatic Takeoff andLanding Operations


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An increasing number of UAVs are designed to take-off and land automatically. Because ofrnthe potential damage that could result from a failed take-off or landing (to the UAV itself, or tornhumans or equipment located near the runway or the approach/departure path), specialrnattention must be placed on the design of the automatic system. As more efforts are put intornoperating UAVs in the national airspace, the need for reliable and safe UAV automatic take-offrnand landing operation is made even more acute. The proposed paper discusses the variousrnaspects of UAV automatic take-off and landing system performance, such as accuracy,rncontinuity of service and integrity, and shows how the UAV system architecture affectsrnautomatic landing performance. Methods for detecting and mitigating system failures arernpresented. Guidelines to be used while designing the UAV system architecture are presented,rnso that the required or desired performance can be met, making it easier to gain certification tornoperate along manned aircraft or to the same level of safety and reliability. The paper drawsrnfrom the operational experience gained from integrating automatic takeoff and landing systemsrn(ATLS) with more than a dozen UAV systems, including over three thousands of automaticrnlandings with the U.S. Army's Shadow 200 TUAV.
机译:越来越多的无人机被设计成自动起飞和降落。由于起飞或降落失败(对无人机本身或位于跑道或进场/离场路径附近的人员或设备的撕裂)可能造成的潜在损害,必须特别注意自动系统的设计。随着在国家领空使无人飞行器投入更多精力,对可靠,安全的无人机自动起飞和着陆操作的需求变得更加迫切。本文讨论了无人机自动起飞和着陆系统性能的各个方面,例如准确性,服务连续性和完整性,并展示了无人机系统体系结构如何影响自动着陆性能。介绍了用于检测和缓解系统故障的方法。介绍了设计无人机系统体系结构时要使用的指南,以便可以满足所需或期望的性能,从而更容易获得在有人驾驶飞机上空转或达到相同安全性和可靠性水平的认证。本文借鉴了将自动起飞和着陆系统(ATLS)与十多个无人机系统集成在一起所获得的运营经验,其中包括与美国陆军的Shadow 200 TUAV进行的三千多次自动着陆。



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