首页> 外文会议>2018 13th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face amp; Gesture Recognition >Predicting When Teachers Look at Their Students in 1-on-1 Tutoring Sessions

Predicting When Teachers Look at Their Students in 1-on-1 Tutoring Sessions


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We propose and evaluate a neural network archi- tecture for predicting when human teachers shift their eye-gaze to look at their students during 1-on-1 math tutoring sessions. Such models may be useful when developing affect-sensitive intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) because they can function as an attention model that informs the ITS when the student's face, body posture, and other visual cues are most important to observe. Our approach combines both feed-forward (FF) and recurrent (LSTM) components for predicting gaze shifts based on the history of tutoring actions (e.g., request assistance from the teacher, pose a new problem to the student, give a hint, etc.), as well as the teacher's prior gaze events. Despite the challenging nature of the task - we are asking the network to predict whether or not the teacher will shift her/his eye gaze during the next one- second time interval - the network achieves an AUC (averaged over 2 teachers) of 0.75. In addition, we identify some of the factors that the human teachers in our study used when making gaze decisions and show evidence that the two teachers' gaze patterns share common characteristics.
机译:我们提出并评估了一种神经网络架构,以预测人类教师在一对一的数学辅导课程中何时将视线转向他们的学生。这样的模型在开发对情感敏感的智能辅导系统(ITS)时可能很有用,因为当学生的面部,身体姿势和其他视觉提示最重要时,它们可以用作通知ITS的注意力模型。我们的方法结合了前馈(FF)和递归(LSTM)组件,用于根据补习动作的历史来预测注视变化(例如,请求老师的帮助,给学生带来新问题,给出提示等)。 ),以及老师之前的凝视事件。尽管这项任务具有挑战性,但我们要求网络预测下一个一秒钟的时间间隔内教师是否会转移视线-该网络的AUC(平均2名教师)达到0.75。此外,我们确定了本研究中人类教师在做出注视决策时使用的一些因素,并证明了两位教师的注视模式具有共同的特征。



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