
An open platform for full body interactive sonification exergames


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This paper addresses the use of a remote interactive platform to support home-based rehabilitation for children with motor and cognitive impairment. The interaction between user and platform is achieved on customizable full-body interactive serious games (exergames). These exergames perform real-time analysis of multimodal signals to quantify movement qualities and postural attitudes. Interactive sonification of movement is then applied for providing a real-time feedback based on “aesthetic resonance” and engagement of the children. The games also provide log file recordings therapists can use to assess the performance of the children and the effectiveness of the games. The platform allows the customization of the games to address the children's needs. The platform is based on the EyesWeb XMI software, and the games are designed for home usage, based on Kinect for Xbox One and simple sensors including 3-axis accelerometers available in low-cost Android smartphones.
机译:本文探讨了使用远程互动平台来支持运动和认知障碍儿童的家庭康复。用户和平台之间的交互是通过可定制的全身交互式严肃游戏(exergames)实现的。这些exergames对多模式信号进行实时分析,以量化运动质量和姿势姿态。然后,应用互动的声音超音波,以基于儿童的“审美共振”和参与度提供实时反馈。游戏还提供治疗师可用来评估儿童表现和游戏效果的日志文件记录。该平台允许定制游戏以满足儿童的需求。该平台基于EyesWeb XMI软件,并且这些游戏是专为家庭使用而设计的,它基于Xbox One的Kinect和简单的传感器,包括可在低成本Android智能手机中使用的3轴加速度计。



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