首页> 外文会议>2014 IEEE Games, Media, Entertainment Conference >Audio games as educational tools: Design principles and examples

Audio games as educational tools: Design principles and examples


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Audio-Games (AGs) are electronic games that mainly (or exclusively) implement auditory means to express the game's plot, mechanics and content. AG players need to concentrate on perceiving sound, in order to understand and play the game. Recent developments in the field of edutainment suggest that AGs can be implemented not only as entertaining systems, but also as valid tools for research and education on any curriculum related (but no limited) to acoustics and sound studies. This paper will first discuss existing approaches to organizing the sonic content of an AG. Then it will propose a methodology for designing an AG for educational purposes. Finally, a case-study consisting of the development of two educational AGs related to the issue of noise will be demonstrated, on which the proposed methodology is applied.
机译:音频游戏(AG)是主要(或完全)实施听觉手段来表达游戏情节,机制和内容的电子游戏。 AG玩家需要专注于感知声音,以便理解和玩游戏。教育领域的最新发展表明,AG不仅可以用作娱乐系统,而且还可以作为有效的工具,用于对与声学和声音研究相关(但不限于)的任何课程进行研究和教育。本文将首先讨论组织AG声音内容的现有方法。然后,它将提出一种用于教学目的的AG设计方法。最后,将演示一个案例研究,该案例研究由两个与噪声问题相关的教育性AG的发展组成,并在其中应用了所建议的方法。



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