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Robotics competitions as motivator for project oriented learning in mechatronics


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A project-based approach to educate mechatronics at the University of Ljubljana is presented. It combines the classical curriculum composed of various engineering subjects with project-based work. The emphasis is on ‘learning-by-doing’ with concrete projects. Doing this student teams design systems and manufacture mechatronic prototypes. Recently, one of the project offerings has been related to the Eurobot competition. Eurobot is an international amateur robotics contest open to teams of young people. Annually, a new specification gets published in September for the contest to be held in June the following year. The Eurobot specifications and its timing fit well into the mechatronics curriculum and the contest represents a real challenge as motivator for students. The two case studies presented include design, development and rapid prototyping. Experiences from the Eurobot competitions encouraged the authors to introduce a robotic competition in the Summer School on Mechatronics. It turned out to be a successful way to encourage students to study mechatronics. The approach is also considered to be implemented in South Africa. This can help raise technological awareness and hopefully create a do-it-yourself culture among the youth.
机译:卢布尔雅那大学介绍了一种基于项目的机电一体化教育方法。它结合了由各种工程学科组成的经典课程和基于项目的工作。重点是具体项目的“边做边学”。为此,学生将设计系统并制造机电一体化原型。最近,其中一项项目与Eurobot竞赛有关。 Eurobot是一项国际业余机器人竞赛,面向年轻人团队。每年9月都会发布一项新规范,该规范将于次年6月举行。 Eurobot的规格及其时机非常适合机电一体化课程,竞赛是学生激励的真正挑战。提出的两个案例研究包括设计,开发和快速原型制作。欧洲机器人大赛的经验鼓励作者在机电一体化暑期学校介绍机器人大赛。事实证明,这是鼓励学生学习机电一体化的成功方法。该方法也被认为在南非实施。这可以帮助提高技术意识,并希望在年轻人中创建自己动手的文化。



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