首页> 外文会议>2012 IEEE Symposium on Business, Engineering and Industrial Applications. >Tax reporting for non-profit organizations (NPOs) in Malaysia

Tax reporting for non-profit organizations (NPOs) in Malaysia


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This study attempted to examine the relationship between financial characteristics and tax payment of non-profit organizations (NPOs) in Malaysia. So far, there have been no studies conducted on this issue and little is known about the extent of the problem. Therefore, this exploratory study was carried out to examine the tax reporting of NPOs registered with Registrar of Societies (ROS) in Malaysia. The objectives of the study were to examine the financial characteristics of taxable and non-taxable NPOs, and to investigate how donations and other income received such as, members' expenses, professional fees and members' accumulated fund could be associated with the taxation paid by them. Therefore, considering the importance of NPOs and their contribution of income tax revenue to the country, the current study had provided significant results on the relationship between financial characteristics of the NPOs and their tax payment. Hence, this study had contributed to the body of knowledge and should be of assistance to policymakers with regards to the financial behavior of the taxable NPOs, so as to further review the tax system, especially, the deductibility of donations made under section 44 of the Income tax Act 1967.
机译:这项研究试图检验马来西亚非营利组织(NPO)的财务特征与纳税之间的关系。到目前为止,尚未对此问题进行任何研究,并且对该问题的严重程度知之甚少。因此,进行了这项探索性研究,以研究在马来西亚社团注册局(ROS)注册的非营利组织的税收报告。这项研究的目的是检查应纳税和免税非营利组织的财务特征,并调查如何将捐赠和其他收入(例如会员的费用,专业费用和会员的积累资金)与税务局支付的税款相关联。他们。因此,考虑到非营利组织的重要性及其对国家的所得税收入贡献,当前的研究对非营利组织的财务特征与其纳税之间的关系提供了重要的结果。因此,这项研究为知识体系做出了贡献,并应为应税非营利组织的财务行为方面的决策者提供帮助,以便进一步审查税收制度,特别是根据税收法第44条做出的捐赠可抵扣性。 1967年所得税法。



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