首页> 外文会议>2004 SPE international petroleum conference in Mexico >On the Inverse Problem of the Estimation of Multiphase Flow Functions

On the Inverse Problem of the Estimation of Multiphase Flow Functions


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An inverse method is described for simultaneously obtainingrnrelative permeability and capillary pressure curves fromrnmeasurements taken during an unsteady state oil-water flowrnexperiment at the laboratory. This inverse method algorithmrnhas four basic components: 1) an IMPES finite-differencernnumerical simulator of the flow through the core; 2) functionalrnrepresentations -power law models or piece-wise linearrnsplines- of relative permeability and capillary pressure curvesrnin terms of a set of adjustable parameters found by minimizingrnan objective function; 3) the objective function, formed by thernsum of the square of the differences between thernexperimentally measured and the numerically simulated data;rn4) the Quasi-Newton Approximation for the Least-SquaresrnProblem (QNA) technique to minimize that objective function.rnThe method is tested with synthetic and experimental data.rnThe QNA optimization technique performs better than otherrnmethods of the Newton type. Besides, it is simpler tornimplement than the genetic and optimal control algorithms.rnThe accuracy of the relative permeability and capillaryrnpressure estimations depends on the objective functionrndefinition. That definition, in turn, depends of the differentrnkinds of available measurements (flow rates, pressure drop,rnsaturation profiles at different times) and of the functionalrnrepresentations (power functions or piece-wise linear splines)rnof relative permeability and capillary pressure curves.rnAutomatic history matching of a laboratory two-phaserndisplacement to obtain relative permeabilities and capillaryrnpressure is a classical ill-posed inverse problem. The solutionrnof the lack of uniqueness and convergence of the methodrncannot be warranted for all cases by the introduction of morerndata (i.e. saturation profiles), more refined functionalrnrepresentations (piece-wise linear splines) or betterrnoptimization techniques.
机译:描述了一种逆方法,该方法可同时从实验室在非稳态油水流量实验中获得的测量值同时获得相对渗透率和毛细压力曲线。该逆方法算法具有四个基本组成部分:1)流经岩心的IMPES有限差分数值模拟器; 2)通过最小化目标函数找到的一组可调参数,以相对渗透率和毛细管压力曲线的形式表示-幂律模型或分段线性样条曲线。 3)目标函数,由实验测量值和数值模拟数据之间的差的平方的平方和形成; rn4)最小二乘问题(QNA)的拟牛顿逼近以最小化该目标函数.rn对该方法进行了测试QNA优化技术的性能优于牛顿类型的其他方法。此外,比遗传算法和最优控制算法更容易实现。相对渗透率和毛管压力估计的准确性取决于目标函数的定义。反过来,该定义取决于可用测量值的不同种类(流速,压降,不同时间的饱和度曲线)和功能表示(功率函数或分段线性样条曲线)相对渗透率和毛细管压力曲线。实验室两相位移的匹配以获得相对渗透率和毛细管压力是经典的不适定反问题。通过引入更多数据(即饱和度剖面图),更精细的功能表示(逐段线性样条曲线)或更好的优化技术,不能保证在所有情况下都缺乏方法唯一性和收敛性的解决方案。



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