首页> 外文会议>12th Americas Conference on Information Systems(AMCIS 2006) vol.2 >Understanding Workplace Instant Messaging Adoption: Use and Consequences via Social Perspectives

Understanding Workplace Instant Messaging Adoption: Use and Consequences via Social Perspectives


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Originally regarded as a tool for social communication among teenagers, Instant Messaging (IM) technology has taken practitioners and researchers by surprise with its rapid proliferation in the workplace. While gaining valuable insights from existing IM literature, we identify the gap whereby researchers have neglected to pay attention to the processes that may shape users' perceptions of and behavior with regard to this technology. In this paper, we advocate the use of technological frames (Orlikowski and Gash 1994) as an analytical lens to understand IM adoption, usage, and consequences. We believe that empirical studies applying this theoretical perspective will not only shed light on our understanding of IM technology, but more importantly, they can advance our knowledge of other new communication technologies in organizations.
机译:即时消息(IM)技术最初被认为是青少年之间进行社交交流的工具,其在工作场所的迅速普及使惊讶于实践者和研究人员。在从现有的IM文献中获得有价值的见解的同时,我们发现了研究人员忽视关注可能会影响用户对该技术的看法和行为的过程的差距。在本文中,我们提倡使用技术框架(Orlikowski和Gash 1994)作为分析镜头,以了解IM的采用,使用和后果。我们相信,运用这种理论观点进行的实证研究不仅可以帮助我们了解IM技术,而且更重要的是,它们可以增进我们对组织中其他新通信技术的了解。



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