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JORDAN的相关文献在1981年到2022年内共计453篇,主要集中在轻工业、手工业、数学、肿瘤学 等领域,其中期刊论文448篇、专利文献5篇;相关期刊125种,包括微型计算机、中国服装、中国服装(北京)等; JORDAN的相关文献由439位作者贡献,包括PITT、崇皓、张晶等。



论文:448 占比:98.90%


论文:5 占比:1.10%





  • PITT
  • 崇皓
  • 张晶
  • 207ers
  • 许大维
  • 贾铭
  • KICKS(图)
  • 聂征(图)
  • Rida Al-Adamat
  • Yahya Farhan
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献





    • 费尔南多·梅尼斯; 卡罗琳娜·米西亚克; 尤姆·卡桑耶; 哈维尔·埃斯皮雷斯
    • 摘要: 尊重环境并与之融合CKK Jordanki音乐厅位于历史悠久的市中心周围的绿环内,俯瞰着维斯瓦拉河。为了使新建筑在自然环境和建筑环境中显得和谐,在设计体量的方向和高度时需要特别小心。因此,该建筑只占据了场地的一半,另一半则留作公园,并且高度尽可能低,以避免遮挡河上的景观。所达到的视觉效果是一个自然物体,一块卧于缓坡草甸上的天然岩石。
    • J. Abu-Qubu; O. Rimawi; A. Anbar; T. Alebous; Z. S. H. Abu-Hamatteh
    • 摘要: The expected water mixing process between Red/Dead Sea water during the proposed conveyance projects is the main target of this research. The project will ensue transporting Red Sea water to recover and maintain certain level of the Dead Sea, mostly will reach -395 m. It is found that, the two different water bodies with different EC values or different densities (salinities) are relatively divided by stable plane. This plane is defined as the BARZACH PLANE. In this study, the mixing process occurred between the Red Sea with the Dead Sea waters, located at 20% - 24% of the Dead Sea column depth based on the Barzach Plane level. During a laboratory experimental work, it is found that the mixed Red/Dead Sea water evaporates in a high rate until certain level where the solution attains oversaturated conditions with different dissolved solids. At this stage, a thin layer of solids suddenly formed and floated at the surface of the dense brine. The salinity of the captured water is so dense that floated salt layer cannot be dissolved. In addition, the formed floated salt layer at the surface prevents the below captured water to evaporate and at this stage, stalactites start to form until the excess dissolved solids are not oversaturated with any mineral.
    • Mousa Ahmad Qatawneh; Moath Altarawneh; Ruba Alhazaimeh; Mais Jazazi; Omaiema Jarrah; Alaa Shorman; Laila Alsadah; Maher Mustafa
    • 摘要: BACKGROUND The coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19)has been the cause of a global health crisis since the end of 2019.All countries are following the guidelines and recommendations released by the World Health Organization to decrease the spread of the disease.Children account for only 3%-5%of COVID-19 cases.Few data are available regarding the clinical course,disease severity,and mode of treatment in children with malignancy and COVID-19.AIM To evaluate the treatment plan and outcome of children with malignancy who contracted COVID-19.METHODS A retrospective study of the medical files of patients with malignancy who contracted COVID-19 between July 2020 and June 2021 was performed.The following data were reviewed for all patients:primary disease,laboratory data,admission ward,clinical status upon admission,disease course,treatment plan,and outcome.Eligible patients were those with malignancy who tested positive for COVID-19 by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction.RESULTS A total of 40 patients who had malignancy contracted COVID-19 from July 1,2020 to June 1,2021.Their primary diseases were as follows:34 patients(85%)had hematological malignancies(30 had acute lymphoblastic leukemia,2 had acute myeloblastic leukemia,and 2 had Hodgkin lymphoma),whereas 6 patients(15%)had solid tumors(2 had neuroblastoma,2 had rhabdomyosarcoma,and 2 had central nervous system tumors).Twelve patients(30%)did not need hospitalization and underwent home isolation only,whereas twenty-eight patients(70%)required hospitalization(26 patients were admitted in the COVID-19 ward and 2 were admitted in the pediatric intensive care unit).CONCLUSION COVID-19 with malignancy in the pediatric age group has a benign course and does not increase the risk of having severe infection compared to other children.
    • Werner Schneider; Elias Salameh
    • 摘要: End-Permian Gondwana siliciclastics (50 - 70 m) of the Um Irna F exposed along the NE Dead Sea, exhibit carbonate-free fining upward cycles (FUC) deposited during acid flash flood events under tropical climate. Several ferruginous paleosol intercalations cover periods of drying upward formation (DUP) under semiarid/arid climates. Thin grey pelite beds interbedded between paleosol and overlying FUC, are interpreted as tephra deposits sourced in Siberian LIP- and Neo-Tethys (NT)-Degassing. The Wadi Bassat en Nimra-section exhibits the P-T transitional zone where flash flood deposits meet supra-/intertidal sediments of the southward-directed transgressive NT. Decreasing flash-flooding continued through the Lower Scythian (Ma’in F.) during transgression, reworking, and resedimentation. Two euryhaline foraminifera-bearing limestone beds are discussed as indicators for the end of mass extinction (recovery phase: ca. 250.8 - 250.4 Ma) possibly correlating with the Maximum Flooding Surface MFS Tr 10 (ca. 250.5 Ma) on the Arabian Shelf (Khuff cycles B;A). Comparable data from the Germanic Basin as FUC/DUP-cycles, tephrasuspicious “Grey Beds” with high concentrations of As, Co, Pb, Zn, and Cu as well as the U-Pb Age data of the Siberian LIP meet the PTB-Zone between the MFSs Intervals P 40 (ca. 254 Ma)/Tr 10 (ca 250.5 Ma) on the Arabian Shelf. MFS (Tr 10, 20, 30) and SBs resp. on the Arabian Plate, as well as Scythian Substage boundaries correlate with 󔣕 C-excursions recorded at Musandam, UAE. Thereby, the ratio of greenhouse gases (+climate forcing)/aerosols und tephra (-climate forcing) takes a significant influence on the 󔣕C-Variation.
    • Randa Bazzi; Akram Alaboudi; Gabor Racz
    • 摘要: This study aims to evaluate the role of Jordanian veterinarians in terms of their knowledge,attitudes and common practices in combating antimicrobial resistance(AMR)and summarize the registered veterinary drugs between 20172020.Descriptive study data were collected using a standardized questionnaire that focused on the knowledge,attitudes,and practices of Jordanian veterinarians.The findings were analyzed descriptively;84%of the participants agreed with the statement on the definition of AMR.The majority(95.65%)of participants agreed that AMR is a challenge for the veterinary sector in Jordan and that it should be prioritized over other zoonotic diseases.Approximately 69%of the participants believed that the misuse and overuse of antimicrobials by unqualified,fraudulent,or unauthorized practitioners is the primary reason for the rise of cases associated with AMR and the challenges that accompany these.The most common practice among the respondents in this study was to recommend clients(e.g.,farmers and owners)to practice good animal husbandry(80.00%).The study also revealed that there was a significant difference(p=O.015)between attendance at AMR training sessions and the professional sector(private,public,and academic)of the veterinarians.This study underscores the importance of implementing a continuous education program on AMR so as to enhance the all-round knowledge of veterinarians and improve their advisory skills.In addition,laws should be enacted to ensure that veterinarians prescribe the correct antimicrobials and to improve surveillance systems for monitoring the use of antimicrobials in veterinary medicine.
    • Ibrahim Ahmad Bany Yaseen; Abd Alkareem Eefan Al Smairan
    • 摘要: Al Azraq Al Shamali (AZS) basaltic rocks were investigated aiming to understand their mineralogy, petrography and geochemistry features, and to achieve that a total of sixteen representative rock samples were selected for both geochemical and petrographic analysis from several sites in the study area. Petrographic characteristics were analyzed by optical microscopy after preparation thin sections for representative rock samples, which show that all basalt samples have minerals comprising: olivine, plagioclase (labradorite), clinopyroxene (augite), opaque’s and some secondary minerals such as Iddingsite, however, the proportions of each mineral vary between samples. Normative mineralogy by using CIPW Norm showed that AZS basalt samples dominated by olivine, Diopside, and nepheline, and AZS basalt can be normatively classified as alkali olivine basalt. Some textures that may be evident on microscopic examination such as porphyritic, glomeroporphyritic, vesicular, intergranular, and ophitic to sub-ophitic texture. X-Ray Fluorescence was used for whole rock major elements analysis (SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, MnO, MgO, CaO, Na2O, K2O and P2O5 in wt%) and trace element (V, Cr, Co, Ni, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Ce, Nd and Ba in ppm). Geochemical analysis reveal that the basalt is alkaline and includes into Sodic series. AZS basalt are produced under-saturated within intraplate continental environment. The normalized trace element diagrams suggest that the AZS product of the asthenosphere part of the mantle at >100 km depth. Furthermore, the data of studied samples suggest that these rocks evolved from a melt formed by low degrees of partial melting. Also the geochemical variation trends of (AZS) basaltic samples supposing that the composition of these basalt have been influenced by fractional crystallization, without clear evidences for crustal contamination.
    • INCNIKE(文/图)
    • 摘要: 如果你热爱球鞋文化,那么对每年的Jordan Brand新款球鞋一定非常关注。事实上,每逢Air Jordan正代球鞋上市,都堪称是球鞋圈的“春晚”。而今年球鞋圈“春晚”的主角便是--Air JordanⅩⅩⅩⅥ。FASHION P 076 AGE今年的Air JordanⅩⅩⅩⅥ发布之路有些特别。在五月份的时候,Jordan品牌公布了预热视频,并由旗下的运动员在刚结束的东京奥运会赛场上率先穿着曝光,让大家对Air JordanⅩⅩⅩⅥ的外观都有大概的了解。不久前,Jordan品牌正式公布了Air JordanⅩⅩⅩⅥ的设计亮点和细节,并在8月17日上市先发配色。
    • INCNIKE(文/图)
    • 摘要: 今年冬季,Jordan品牌推出一系列专为寒冷天气打造的复刻鞋款,将户外机能风格与清新冬日色彩完美结合。许多鞋款均根据季节需求采用了更富有质感的绒面与漆皮材质,带去今年冬天的第一抹温暖。其中,四款Air JordanⅠ及多双女子专属鞋款更是本系列中的点睛之笔。
    • 旗木卡卡东(文/图)
    • 摘要: 不久前,Jordan品牌宣布与中国女子篮球运动员杨舒予签约。这是Jordan品牌签约的第一位中国乃至亚洲的女子运动员,同时也意味着代表中国创造历史的女子篮球运动员杨舒予,正式加入这个由50多位不同领域顶级运动员所组成的大家庭。
    • 旗木卡卡东(文/图)
    • 摘要: 每值年末,Air Jordan XI的发布都令人万众瞩目,无论是忠于元年的经典回归,还是对于鞋款的重新演绎,总能撩动球鞋爱好者的心弦。今年,传奇Cool Grey配色再度回归,向20年前曾经穿着该配色征战赛场的迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan)致敬。与此同时,Jordan品牌还发布了女子专属的Black and White配色,为女性消费群体带来更佳的产品体验,激励她们在运动与造型中不断展现自我。
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