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clothes的相关文献在1985年到2021年内共计101篇,主要集中在常用外国语、工业经济、教育 等领域,其中期刊论文101篇、相关期刊43种,包括疯狂英语阅读版(含光盘)、英语角、中学生英语等; clothes的相关文献由120位作者贡献,包括安落实、潘永全、胡光麟等。



论文:101 占比:100.00%





  • 安落实
  • 潘永全
  • 胡光麟
  • Andrew B.
  • BTW
  • Bill
  • C.
  • Carissa Hyland
  • Cousins
  • Darcel Rockett
  • 期刊论文





    • 朱秀兰; 冯艺蕾(图)
    • 摘要: 不同"衣服"英语中表示衣服的词有clothes,clothing,dress和suit等,它们的主要区别如下:1.clothes是"衣服"的总称,包括上衣、裤子、内衣,而不单指某一件衣服。它只有复数形式,通常不能和数词连用,说一套衣服应用a suit of clothes。例如:Where do you usually get your clothes made?你的衣服通常是在什么地方做的?Please send clothes to the laundry.请把这些衣物送往洗衣店。
    • 摘要: Clothes can make phone calls,play music,dial your pal's number,keep you warm during cold weather and operate your computer.This is not a fantasy.A British company,called Electrotexiles,has created a wide range of clothesclothes that have minds of their own!Scientists,working for the company,have invented a kind of fabric that can be mixed with flexible electronic materials to create intelligent clothing.The results are electronic garments.
    • 摘要: Is there a best way to pack clothes?The following ideas are of great help to those who are always on the way.Where to start?1 Once you see how much you lay in front of you,be brave and reduce about a third.Because the truth is like your wardrobe,you never seem to use as much as you take.How to deal with clothing?
    • 摘要: Clothes can make phone calls,play music,dial your pal's number,keep you warm during cold weather and operate your computer.This is not a fantasy.A British company,called Electrotexiles,has created a wide range of clothesclothes that have minds of their own!Scientists,working for the company,have invented a kind of fabric that can be mixed with flexible electronic materials to create intelligent clothing.The results are electronic garments.
    • 摘要: Is there a best way to pack clothes?The following ideas are of great help to those who are always on the way.Where to start?1 Once you see how much you lay in front of you,be brave and reduce about a third.Because the truth is like your wardrobe,you never seem to use as much as you take.How to deal with clothing?
    • 方露
    • 摘要: One day,in a heavily crowded place,a young man wearing expensive clothes said politely,"Please look at me.I have the most beautiful heart in the world."Many people looked at him and were shocked to see his beautiful heart in a perfect shape.It looked quite amazing.Most of the people praised him.
    • 简单
    • 摘要: 艾米就要上学了,她心里十分忐忑。你会怎么安慰她呢?Amy had been excited all summer long.She was going to school for the very first time.She would be in first grade,and this is why she was excited.Mommy had taken her shopping for new clothes.
    • 李文慧
    • 摘要: Michael Todd wore the same clothes every day for the first three weeks of school.When the other kids began to 1.(predictotice)that he was wearing the same black pants and blue,teal,and gray long-sleeved shirt day after day,Todd,a freshman at Martin Luther King Jr.College Preparatory High School in Memphis,became the target of laughter.But there was little Todd could do.His mother simply couldn''t 2.to buy him new clothes.
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