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story的相关文献在1981年到2022年内共计290篇,主要集中在常用外国语、中国文学、教育 等领域,其中期刊论文288篇、专利文献2篇;相关期刊122种,包括中小学外语教学:小学版、疯狂英语阅读版(含光盘)、英语角等; story的相关文献由274位作者贡献,包括一叶、刘阳、井卫华等。



论文:288 占比:99.31%


论文:2 占比:0.69%





  • 一叶
  • 刘阳
  • 井卫华
  • 刘琳慧
  • 娄珊宁
  • 崔昕
  • 张峻然
  • 张秀敏
  • 彭向梅(指导)
  • 曹伟华
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献





    • Lincoln Miller
    • 摘要: I recently spoke with Marc Brown,the award-winning creator of Arthur.He published the first tide in the series,Arthur's Nose' in 1976.The idea came from a bedtime story Brown had told his son.Since then,Brown has published more than 25 books.The series features a group of characters who learn about respect,tolerance,friendship,hard work,patience,and other valuable traits(特征).
    • 摘要: In recent years, scientists have been using biomimetic tissue models-reconstructed tissues de-signed to replicate the attributes of living tissue-to study disease and development in the human body. The heart,however, is a different story. Even though advances in stem cell research now make it easier to grow cardiac tissue, replicating a functioning human heart in a lab remains complicated.
    • 摘要: China Documentary Festival Held Offline by China Cultural Center in Yangon China Documentary Festival Held Offline by China Cultural Center in Yangon Festival,with the theme of telling the story of China's development,kicked off at China Cultural Center in Yangon in August,2022.
    • 刘红梅
    • 摘要: In a small Indonesian fishing village,a man with a fake rhino head on the top of his own puts on a puppet show for a group of eager children. Former teacher Samsudin is educating the kids about the trouble of the critically en⁃dangered Javan rhinos,the world?s rarest,using cardboard figures,funny expressions and voices to spread his message of conservation one story at a time.
    • 侯昌玮
    • 摘要: Dogs can tell the difference between different languages,researchers in Hungary have found.For their study,the researchers played recordings of the story The Little Prince in both Spanish and Hungarian to a group of 18 dogs.Then they examined how the animals?brains reacted.
    • 摘要: Based on a real event,this film focuses on the story of Chinese diplomats assisting in the evacuation of Chinese people from a war area.A war breaks out in the Republic of Numia,North Africa.Due to the shortage of staff in the Chinese embassy,two diplomats who were planning to return to China on the same day are asked to help with the evacu­ation.After the successful completion of the mission,news reaches them that there is still a group of stranded Chinese people heading for the border under the leadership of a Chi­nese-funded company executive.Under these circumstances,the two unarmed diplomats relinquish the opportunity to return home and answer the call of duty by entering the war zone to guide their fellow countrymen home.
    • 陈鹏宇; 赵付(指导)
    • 摘要: Courage, kindness, friendship, and character are the qualities that define us as human beings and sometimes propel(激励)us to greatness. I have recently read the English novel called Wonder, which tells an inspiring story of a young boy with a facial defect(缺陷)called August, who overcomes his difficulties to face life positively.
    • 侯志远
    • 摘要: In June 2020,a minute?鄄long video featuring a young ballet student dancing in the rain began circulating on the Internet.The wide reach of the video has turned a spotlight on the unlikely story of a ballet school in a poor suburb of Lagos,Nigeria:the Leap of Dance Academy.Founded in 2017,the academy has transformed the lives of its students,affording them a place to dance and to dream.And in the last few months,it has inspired influential people in ballet to lend a hand.Seemingly overnight,a world of opportunity has opened up:for the students,scholarships and invitations to attend prestigious schools and companies overseas;and for the school,sizable donations,which will allow for building a proper space,outfitted with a real dance floor.
    • 摘要: 涮羊肉Boiled mutton传说story起源于originate from元代。七百多年前,元世祖忽必烈统帅durbate大军the army南下远征,经过through多次战斗fight,人困马乏the soldiers and the horses are all tired,饥肠辘辘。忽必烈猛地想起remind of家乡的菜肴the dish--清炖羊肉boiled mutton in clear soup。
    • 摘要: Roald Dahl is one of the best children''s authors of the twentieth century;if not the best.His books are enfertaining(令人愉悦的),full of jokes and were my favourite choice for a bedtime story.Roald Dahl is an author that you can never grow tired of;I still enjoy reading his books from time to time.
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