首页> 外国专利> Technology and scan test system with high scan compression very RELATED APPLICATIONS This application is very high and a undefined value tolerated 'completely filed on October 21, 2008 An undefined value tolerance completely I claims priority to 61 / 107,239 U.S. Provisional Patent Application entitled scan compression '.

Technology and scan test system with high scan compression very RELATED APPLICATIONS This application is very high and a undefined value tolerated 'completely filed on October 21, 2008 An undefined value tolerance completely I claims priority to 61 / 107,239 U.S. Provisional Patent Application entitled scan compression '.

机译:具有高扫描压缩率的技术和扫描测试系统非常相关的应用程序此应用程序非常高,并且具有未定义的值,可以容忍“已于2008年10月21日完全提交。未定义的值容限完全由我要求优先权为61 / 107,239美国临时专利申请,具有扫描压缩功能” 。


[Challenge] is to provide a technique and scan test system with high scan compression very undefined value tolerance completely. Scan compression is important in achieving a high shipment quality and reduce the cost and [MEANS FOR SOLVING PROBLEMS] scan test. The failure of the new type of complex design than ever, there is a need for high compression. However, I interfere with the effective compression density undefined value of (X) is increased. In the process of the scan compression, detection rate and complete compression very high is achieved for an undefined value of any density. Technology that has been described, can be fully integrated in the flow of (ATPG) automatic test pattern generation and (DFT) design for testability. As a result of using these techniques to industrial design, it was found that there are advantages and predictable constant compared to other methods. [Selection Figure Figure 2A
机译:[挑战]是提供一种技术和扫描测试系统,其完全具有高的扫描压缩率和非常不确定的值公差。扫描压缩对于提高运输质量,降低成本和[解决问题的手段]扫描测试非常重要。新型复杂设计的失败比以往任何时候都需要更高的压缩率。然而,我干扰有效压缩密度的不确定值(X)增加了。在扫描压缩过程中,对于任何密度的不确定值,都可以实现很高的检测率和完全压缩。所描述的技术可以完全集成到(ATPG)自动测试模式生成和(DFT)设计流程中,以实现可测试性。使用这些技术进行工业设计的结果是,与其他方法相比,它具有优势和可预测的常数。 [选择图图2A



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