首页> 外国专利> The geometric optimization method of constellation based on genetic algorithm for multi-level mitigation of effects nu00e3olineares

The geometric optimization method of constellation based on genetic algorithm for multi-level mitigation of effects nu00e3olineares

机译:基于遗传算法的星座几何优化方法用于多级缓解效应n u00e3olineares


Abstract geometric optimization method of constellation based on genetic algorithm for multi-level mitigation of nonlinear effects.The new method of geometric optimization of constellation based on genetic algorithm for multi-level mitigation of nonlinear effects, which is applicable to the constellation multilevel m - QAM (quadrature amplitude modulation) in optical communications, based on the use of a algorit Mo optimizer and with the advantage that it can be applied to any type of channel, including nonlinear channels,As is the case of the optical fiber, after the establishment of the optical link, even before the use of channel by the user. In this proposal, the genetic algorithm varies the geometry of the constellation will be transmitted and monitors its bit error rate.In this method, after the steps of selection, crossover and mutation, the algorithm converges to an optimal solution globally, with a format of the constellation that expresses the lower BER (bit error rate or bit wrong). The objective of this solution is to optimize the constellations, especially for nonlinear channels, where the constellations and stars equally cease to be great. 1 / 1
机译:基于遗传算法的星座几何优化方法用于非线性效应的多级缓解。基于遗传算法的星座几何优化用于非线性效应的多级缓解的新方法,适用于星座多层次m-QAM光纤通信中的(正交幅度调制),其基于algorit Mo优化器的使用,并具有以下优点:可以将其应用到任何类型的信道,包括非线性信道,例如建立光纤后的光纤光学链路,甚至在用户使用信道之前。在该建议中,遗传算法将改变星座的几何形状,并监视其误码率。在此方法中,经过选择,交叉和变异步骤后,该算法全局收敛为最优解,格式为表示较低BER(误码率或位错误)的星座。该解决方案的目的是优化星座,尤其是对于非线性信道,在这些信道中,星座和恒星均不再很大。 1 / 1



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