首页> 外国专利> Citrus variant plant 'Ara Wenzhou', late Wenzhou

Citrus variant plant 'Ara Wenzhou', late Wenzhou



The present invention relates to an ara mandarin, which is a new variety resulting from a mutation of a satsuma mandarin. The ara mandarin, which is a novel mutant satsuma mandarin plant produced by irradiating x-rays to a bud on a branch of an early-maturing C. unshiu Marc. cv. Miyagawa-wase and then grafting and subjecting to asexual reproduction, is very similar to C. unshiu Marc. cv. Miyagawa-wase in terms of flowering, fruiting, and fruit shape, but later compared to C. unshiu Marc. cv. Miyagawa-wase in terms of fruit maturation time. Thus, the ara mandarin can be useful as a novel variety having high economic value.
机译:本发明涉及一种ara普通话,它是一种由萨摩uma普通话的突变产生的新品种。 ara普通话,是一种新颖的突变型萨摩普通话植物,是通过将X射线照射到早熟的C. unshiu Marc的树枝上的芽上而产生的。简历。 Miyagawa-wase然后嫁接并进行无性繁殖,与C. unshiu Marc非常相似。简历。就开花,结果和果实形状而言,宫川早稻,但后来与C. unshiu Marc相比。简历。就水果成熟时间而言,宫川早稻。因此,ara普通话可用作具有高经济价值的新品种。



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