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Consumption of energy drinks by children and young people: a rapid review examining evidence of physical effects and consumer attitudes




Objective: To examine patterns of energy drink consumption by children and young people, attitudes towards these drinks, and any associations with health or other outcomes.ududDesign: Rapid evidence assessment and narrative synthesis.ududData sources: 9 electronic bibliographic databases, reference lists of relevant studies and searches of the internet.ududResults: A total of 410 studies were located, with 46 meeting the inclusion criteria. The majority employed a cross-sectional design, involved participants aged 11–18 years, and were conducted in North America or Europe. Consumption of energy drinks by children and young people was found to be patterned by gender, with boys consuming more than girls, and also by activity levels, with the highest consumption observed in the most and least sedentary individuals. Several studies identified a strong, positive association between the use of energy drinks and higher odds of health-damaging behaviours, as well as physical health symptoms such as headaches, stomach aches, hyperactivity and insomnia. There was some evidence of a dose–response effect. 2 experimental studies involving small numbers of junior athletes demonstrated a positive impact on limited aspects of sports performance. 3 themes emerged from the qualitative studies: reasons for use; influences on use; and perceived efficacy and impact. Taste and energy-seeking were identified as key drivers, and branding and marketing were highlighted as major influences on young people's consumption choices. Awareness of possible negative effects was low.ududConclusions: There is growing evidence that consumption of energy drinks is associated with a range of adverse outcomes and risk behaviours in terms of children's health and well-being. However, taste, brand loyalty and perceived positive effects combine to ensure their popularity with young consumers. More research is needed to explore the short-term and long-term impacts in all spheres, including health, behaviour and education.
机译:目的:研究儿童和年轻人消耗能量饮料的方式,对这些饮料的态度以及与健康或其他结果的任何关联。 ud ud设计:快速证据评估和叙述性合成。 ud ud数据来源:9个电子书目数据库,相关研究的参考文献清单和互联网搜索。 ud ud结果:总共找到410个研究,其中46个符合纳入标准。大多数人采用横断面设计,参与者年龄在11-18岁之间,并且在北美或欧洲进行。发现儿童和青年人的能量饮料的消费方式是按性别划分的,男孩的消费量高于女孩,而且其活动水平也高,在久坐和最少久坐的人中消费量最高。几项研究发现,能量饮料的使用与损害健康的行为几率较高以及身体健康症状(如头痛,胃痛,多动和失眠)之间存在密切的正相关关系。有证据表明有剂量反应作用。 2项涉及少量初中运动员的实验研究表明,对运动成绩的某些方面产生积极影响。定性研究提出了3个主题:使用原因;对使用的影响;以及感知到的功效和影响。口味和寻求能量是主要驱动力,而品牌和营销则被强调为年轻人消费选择的主要影响力。结论:越来越多的证据表明,饮用能量饮料与儿童健康和福祉相关的一系列不良后果和风险行为有关。但是,品味,品牌忠诚度和感知到的积极影响相结合,以确保它们在年轻消费者中的受欢迎程度。需要更多的研究来探索各个领域的短期和长期影响,包括健康,行为和教育。



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