首页> 外文OA文献 >Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council on the elimination of technical barriers to trade in particular, proposals for directives on the approximation of laws of theMember States relating to:safety belts and restraint systems and head restraints of seats of motorvehicles (Doe. 464/74);headlights for motor vehicles emitting an asymmetrical passing beam or adriving beam or both, and to incandescent electric lamps for suchheadlights (Doe. 452/74);side lights, rear lights and stop lights for motor vehicles and their trailers(Doe. 457/74);the rear registration-plate illuminating device of motor vehicles and theirtrailers (Doe. 450/74);towing hooks on motor vehicles (Doe. 462/74);the roll-over protection structures of wheeled agricultural or forestrytractors (Doe. 456/74);the type-approval of motorcycles (Doe. 463/74 );alcoholometers and hydrometers for alcohol and alcohol tables(Doe. 406/74);electromedical equipment and medical X-ray equipment operating at 10to 400 kV (Doe. 453/74);common provisions for constructional plant and equipment; themeasurement of the sound level of constructional plant and equipment;the permissible sound level for pneumatic concrete-breakers andjackhammers (Doe. 454/74); 'appliances using gaseous fuels, safety and control devices for theseappliances and methods for inspecting these appliances and appliancesusing gaseous fuels for the instantaneous production of hot water forsanitary purposes (Doe. 459/74). Working Documents 1974-1975, Document 517/74, 10 March 1975

Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council on the elimination of technical barriers to trade in particular, proposals for directives on the approximation of laws of theMember States relating to:safety belts and restraint systems and head restraints of seats of motorvehicles (Doe. 464/74);headlights for motor vehicles emitting an asymmetrical passing beam or adriving beam or both, and to incandescent electric lamps for suchheadlights (Doe. 452/74);side lights, rear lights and stop lights for motor vehicles and their trailers(Doe. 457/74);the rear registration-plate illuminating device of motor vehicles and theirtrailers (Doe. 450/74);towing hooks on motor vehicles (Doe. 462/74);the roll-over protection structures of wheeled agricultural or forestrytractors (Doe. 456/74);the type-approval of motorcycles (Doe. 463/74 );alcoholometers and hydrometers for alcohol and alcohol tables(Doe. 406/74);electromedical equipment and medical X-ray equipment operating at 10to 400 kV (Doe. 453/74);common provisions for constructional plant and equipment; themeasurement of the sound level of constructional plant and equipment;the permissible sound level for pneumatic concrete-breakers andjackhammers (Doe. 454/74); 'appliances using gaseous fuels, safety and control devices for theseappliances and methods for inspecting these appliances and appliancesusing gaseous fuels for the instantaneous production of hot water forsanitary purposes (Doe. 459/74). Working Documents 1974-1975, Document 517/74, 10 March 1975

机译:代表经济和货币事务委员会就欧洲共同体委员会向理事会提出的关于消除贸易技术壁垒的建议提出的报告,关于近似法律的指示的提案成员国涉及:安全带和约束系统以及电动机座椅的头枕车辆(Doe.464 / 74);用于发出不对称通过光束或a的机动车辆的前灯驱动光束或两者,以及用于此类的白炽电灯头灯(Doe.452 / 74);汽车及其拖车的侧灯,尾灯和刹车灯(Doe.457 / 74);机动车后置板照明装置及其机动车拖车(Doe.450 / 74);机动车辆上的牵引钩(Doe.462 / 74);轮式农业或林业的翻车保护结构拖拉机(Doe.456 / 74);摩托车的型式认可(Doe.463 / 74);用于酒精和酒精表的酒精计和比重计(Doe.406 / 74);电子医疗设备和医疗X射线设备运行在10到400 kV(Doe.453 / 74);建筑工厂和设备的共同规定;该测量建筑工厂和设备的声级;气动混凝土破碎机允许的声级手提钻(Doe.454 / 74); “使用气体燃料的设备,这些设备的安全和控制装置用于检查这些器具和器具的器具和方法使用气态燃料瞬间生产热水卫生用途(Doe.459 / 74)。工作文件1974-1975,文件517/74,1975年3月10日



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