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Relationship between spawning mode and phylogeographic structure in mitochondrial DNA of North Atlantic capelin Mallotus villosus




Capelin Mallotus villosus spawn on beaches in Alaska and British Columbia, but spawn offshore in Icelandic waters and the Barents Sea. Both modes of reproduction CO-occur In the northwest Atlantic. The Southeast Shoal population spawns on the Grand Banks 350 km to the SE of Newfoundlandudat the same time as other stocks, all of which are beach spawners. These observat~onsg ave rise to 2 alternative hypotheses concerning the zoogeography and evolution of life cycle in capelin. First, the Southeast Shoal population was originally a beach-spawning population during the late Wisconsinian glaciation and is ancestral to all other northwest Atlantic capelin stocks. In such a case, present-day stocks from this area would represent a monophyletic group derived from a common ancestor no more than 10000 to 12000 yr ago. The alternative hypothesis is that the 2 modes of reproduction orignginally evolved inudisolatlon. Beach spawners are hypothesized to have originated in the north Pacific and recolonized Canadian Arctic waters and the northwest Atlantic following glaciation Bottom spawners originated in the North Atlantic and continued to reproduce where environmental conditions permitted. In such a case. genetic divergence among bottom-spawners and among beach-spawners from across the North Atlantic would be less than that between beach- and bottom-spawners. We tested these hypotheses by comparingudmitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction fragment length polymorphisms among 6 stocks of beachspawning capelin (St. Lawrence estuary; Gulf of St. Lawrence; Placentia Bay, Conception Bay and Notre Dame Bay, Newfoundland; Nain, Labrador) and 3 stocks of bottom-spawning capelin (Southeast Shoal; Iceland; Barents Sea). We observed 2 major mtDNA genotype groups separated by a mean sequenceuddivergence of 3.42 O/O, clearly reflecting the genetic separation of the Iceland and Barents Sea stocks fromudthe northwest Atlantlc stocks. No geographical heterogeneity in the frequency of mtDNA genotypes wasudobserved among the northwest Atlantic sampling sites. However, differences in nucleon diversities among sites did not support the view that capelin form one large panmictic population in the northwest Atlantic. Although our results do not permit the identification of the Southeast Shoal stock as ancestral to northwest Atlantic capelin, these observations refute the hypothesis that the beach- and bottomspawning stocks evolved in isolation long before the end of the Wisconsinian glaciation.
机译:Capelin Mallotus villosus在阿拉斯加和不列颠哥伦比亚省的海滩上产卵,但在冰岛水域和Barents海中产卵。两种繁殖方式同时发生在西北大西洋。东南浅滩种群与其他种群同时在距纽芬兰东南部350公里的大银行产卵,所有种群均为海滩产卵。这些观察结果提出了两个有关动物地理学和毛鳞鱼生命周期演变的假设。首先,东南浅滩种群最初是威斯康星州晚期冰川时期的海滩产卵种群,并且是西北大西洋毛鳞鱼种群的全部祖先。在这种情况下,该地区的当今种群将代表一个不超过10000至12000年前的共同祖先的单系统种群。另一种假设是, disolatlon中有两种原始的繁殖方式。据推测,沙滩产卵器起源于北太平洋,并在冰河化之后重新定居了加拿大的北极水域和西北大西洋。海底产卵器起源于北大西洋,并在环境条件允许的情况下继续繁殖。在这种情况下。来自北大西洋各地的底层产卵者和海滩产卵者之间的遗传差异将小于海滩和底层产卵者之间的遗传差异。我们通过比较6种海滩产卵的海毛鳞鱼(圣劳伦斯河口;圣劳伦斯湾;圣劳伦斯湾;普拉森蒂亚湾;构想湾和巴黎圣母院;纽芬兰;拉恩多尔市)的线粒体DNA(mtDNA)限制性片段长度多态性来检验这些假设和3头产卵的海毛鱼种群(东南浅滩;冰岛;巴伦支海)。我们观察到2个主要的mtDNA基因型组,其平均序列散度为3.42 O / O分开,清楚地反映了冰岛和巴伦支海种群与西北大西洋种群的遗传分离。在西北大西洋采样点之间,没有发现mtDNA基因型频率的地理异质性。但是,位点之间的核子多样性差异并不支持这样的观点,即毛鳞鱼在西北大西洋形成了一个大型的恐慌种群。尽管我们的结果不允许将东南浅滩种群确定为西北大西洋毛鳞鱼的祖先,但这些观察结果驳斥了这样一个假设,即在威斯康星州冰川消融结束之前很长一段时间内,滩涂和底栖产卵种群是孤立地演化的。



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