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Blood cells and pigments in the ascidians, Halocynthia roretzi and Halocynthia aurantium aurantium

机译:海鞘,Halocynthia roretzi和Halocynthia aurantium aurantium中的血细胞和色素



Halocynthia roretzi and Halocynthia aurantium aurantium are both common solitary ascidians for foods in Japanand belong to same genus. H. roretzi shows allorecognition, allogeneic cytotoxic reaction (allogeneic contact reaction)between allogeneic blood cells. However, H. aurantium aurantium does not show allogeneic contact reaction. In this report,we compared blood cells and pigments between these two species. Under right-microscopic observations (including aphase-contrast microscopic and a differential interference contrast microscopic observations), blood cells of two specieswere almost same in morphology. In H. roretzi, two blood cell types, Granular cells type 3 (g3-cells=viriform cells) andVacuolated cells type 3 (v3-cells) had dopa-quinones and phenoloxidase (PO). In H. aurantium aurantium, three bloodcell types, Mature morula cells, Immature morula cells and Compartment cells had dopa-quinones and PO. By pigmentsextraction and thin-layer chromatography of two species, it was cleared that pigments of two species were almost same.Although H. roretzi and H. aurantium aurantium have almost same blood cells and pigments, in this report, it is notunderstand that only H. roretzi shows allogeneic contact reaction.
机译:Halocynthia roretzi和Halocynthia aurantium aurantium都是日本常见的食物单生海鞘,属于同一属。 H. roretzi表现出同种异体血细胞之间的同种异体认知,同种异体细胞毒性反应(同种异体接触反应)。但是,H。aurantium aurantium没有显示同种异体接触反应。在本报告中,我们比较了这两个物种之间的血细胞和色素。在右显微镜观察下(包括相差显微镜观察和微分干涉对比显微镜观察),两种血细胞的形态几乎相同。在罗氏杆菌中,有两种血细胞类型,即粒细胞3型(g3细胞=病毒状细胞)和3型空泡细胞(v3细胞)具有多巴醌和酚氧化酶(PO)。在金黄色葡萄球菌中,三种血细胞类型,成熟桑ula细胞,未成熟桑ula细胞和隔室细胞具有多巴醌和PO。通过两种物质的颜料提取和薄层色谱分析,可以清楚地看出两种物质的颜料几乎相同。尽管H. roretzi和H. aurantium aurantium具有几乎相同的血细胞和色素,但在本报告中,不能理解只有H罗勒齐显示同种异体接触反应。



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