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Hugh Macintosh and Peter Degraves : the story of an officer and a gentleman




This work examines the lives of Hugh Macintosh and Peter Degraves who were the founders of Hobart’s Cascades Mills and Brewery. In the early years of Hobart Town the activities of these two men had huge long term impact on the social and cultural development of the young colony.udPeter Degraves is, today, primarily remembered as the founder of Cascade Breweries and as one of Tasmania’s first industrial entrepreneurs. It is commonly known that within only fifteen years of his arrival in Hobart in 1824, Degraves had built a timber mill, a flour mill, a brewery, a ship building yard, a large farm and a theatre. All of these enterprises were financially successful, while two of them, the brewery and the theatre, are still operating today, almost 200 years later.udYet there is little in the existing literature that deals in any detail with the 46 years of Degraves’ life prior to his arrival in Hobart Town and what few details there are regarding that period, are generally vague or, at best, brief with little or no documentary support other than material that Peter Degraves himself wrote.udThe thesis examines the scant supporting evidence of Degraves’ pre-colonial life in the existing literature and shows the reason for the brevity and vagueness was that most of what is accepted as the history of Degraves’ early life is either exaggerated, glossed over or just plain false. Further there is a large body of information regarding his early life that Degraves’ deliberately omitted from any telling of his life story and which has, as a consequence, until now has remained undiscovered; for example the fact that he had been a bankrupt for most of the first decade of the 19th century and been imprisoned for twelve month for theft in 1810-11. This new evidence paints a very different and more complete picture of Degraves the man, a man of genius and ruthlessness; a man who could successfully turn his mind to almost any task but who desperately sought to obscure the shames of his past. This new material also provides insights that explain the forces that drove Degraves to succeed at any cost while demonstrating the brilliance of a man who had no formal training or genuine expertise in any of the fields in which he claimed to be an authority; and yet was able to manifest results that matched his claims.udIn contrast to Peter Degraves Major Hugh Macintosh is rarely remembered in his own right and occurs almost as an afterthought when the history of the Cascades Brewery or Peter Degraves is mentioned. Apart from being Degraves’ brother-in-law it is sometimes recalled that the two men were partners in the Cascades’ foundation and expansion. It is also occasionally or briefly noted that Macintosh was an ex-officer of the Honourable East India Company’s Army and that he was the co-owner of the ship Hope, which brought him, Degraves, their families, workers and equipment to Hobart. Beyond these small details almost nothing exists describing the life of Hugh Macintosh. This thesis demonstrates that, despite his present historic obscurity, Macintosh was in fact centrally and closely involved with a number of important historic events and personages in England, India, Persia and Australia. For example, without the support of Hugh Macintosh Henry Savery would not have written Australia’s first novel, Quintus Servington.udThe thesis specifically examines the period of the lives of Macintosh and Degraves prior to their arrival in Hobart and why both men chose to obscure and alter that past. After providing an overview of the histories of these two men the work then examines the sources of the mythology that grew around Degraves after he had established himself in Hobart Society and how that mythology was perpetuated to the present day. It will juxtapose popular assumptions about Degraves and Macintosh against the archival record in a process to separate the real backgrounds of Degraves and Macintosh from the stories that have been disseminated about them and will demonstrate the process by which Degraves and Macintosh were able to use the “tyranny of distance” to reinvent their personal histories in Van Diemen’s Land.
机译:该作品考察了霍巴特(Hobart)的Cascades Mills and Brewery创始人Hugh Macintosh和Peter Degraves的生活。霍巴特镇成立初期,这两个人的活动对年轻殖民地的社会和文化发展产生了长期的长期影响。 udPeter Degraves今天被人们广泛铭记为Cascade Breweries的创始人和塔斯马尼亚州的第一位创始人工业企业家。众所周知,Degraves在1824年到达霍巴特后仅15年就建造了一个木材加工厂,面粉加工厂,啤酒厂,造船厂,一个大型农场和一个剧院。所有这些企业在财务上都取得了成功,而酿酒厂和剧院中的两家,直到200年后的今天仍在运营。 udDet然而,现有文献中很少涉及Degraves的46年历史。在他到达霍巴特镇之前的生活,以及关于那个时期的几处细节,通常都是模糊的,或者充其量只是简短的,除了彼得·德格雷夫斯自己写的材料外,几乎没有或没有文件支持。现有文献中对Degraves的前殖民生活的描述,之所以如此简短和含糊,是因为Degraves的早期生活历史被接受的大部分内容要么被夸大,掩盖了,要么只是纯属虚假。此外,还有关于他早期生活的大量信息,因此Degraves故意不提任何有关他的生活故事的信息,因此直到现在仍未被发现。例如,他在19世纪前十年的大部分时间里都是破产者,在1810-11年因盗窃被判入狱12个月。这个新的证据描绘了德格雷夫斯这个非常天才无情的人的非常不同和更完整的描述。一个可以成功地将精力转向几乎所有任务的人,但他拼命试图掩盖过去的耻辱。这份新材料还提供了一些见解,可以解释驱使Degraves不惜一切代价取得成功的力量,同时还展示了一个人的才华,该人在他声称是权威的任何领域中都没有经过正式的培训或真正的专业知识; ud与彼得·德格雷夫斯形成鲜明对比的是,休·麦金少校本身很少被人记住,几乎是事后想到卡斯卡德斯啤酒厂或彼得·德格雷夫斯的历史时才想到的。除了是Degraves的brother子外,有时还记得这两个人是Cascades基金会的建立和扩张的伙伴。还偶尔或简短地指出Macintosh是东印度公司的陆军前官员,他是Hope船的共同所有人,该船将Degraves,他们的家人,工人和设备带到了霍巴特。除了这些小细节,几乎没有任何东西可以描述休·Macintosh的生活。这篇论文表明,尽管Macintosh目前具有历史上的默默无闻,但Macintosh实际上还是与英格兰,印度,波斯和澳大利亚的许多重要历史事件和人物密切相关并密切参与。例如,没有休·麦金托的支持,亨利·萨维里就不会写出澳大利亚的第一本小说《昆图斯·Servington》。改变过去。在概述了这两个人的历史之后,该作品接着考察了德格雷夫斯在霍巴特学会建立后围绕着神话发展的神话渊源,以及该神话如何延续至今。在将Degraves和Macintosh的真实背景与已散布的故事分开的过程中,它将把Degraves和Macintosh的流行假设与档案记录并置,并演示Degraves和Macintosh能够使用“远距离暴政”,重塑他们在范迪门土地上的个人历史。


  • 作者

    Jefferys G;

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  • 年度 2011
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  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种 en
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