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Early-life cockroach allergen and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exposures predict cockroach sensitization among inner-city children




Background: Sensitization to cockroach is one of the strongest identified risk factors for greater asthma morbidity in low-income urban communities; however, the timing of exposures relevant to the development of sensitization has not been elucidated fully. Furthermore, exposure to combustion byproducts, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), can augment the development of allergic sensitization. Objective: We sought to test the hypotheses that domestic cockroach allergen measured prenatally would predict cockroach sensitization in early childhood and that this association would be greater for children exposed to higher PAH concentrations. Methods: Dominican and African American pregnant women living in New York City were enrolled. In the third trimester expectant mothers wore personal air samplers for measurement of 8 nonvolatile PAHs and the semivolatile PAH pyrene, and dust was collected from homes for allergen measurement. Glutathione-S-transferase μ 1 (GSTM1) gene polymorphisms were measured in children. Allergen-specific IgE levels were measured from the children at ages 2, 3, 5, and 7 years. Results: Bla g 2 in prenatal kitchen dust predicted cockroach sensitization at the ages of 5 to 7 years (adjusted relative risk [RR], 1.15; P = .001; n = 349). The association was observed only among children with greater than (RR, 1.22; P = .001) but not less than (RR, 1.07; P = .24) the median sum of 8 nonvolatile PAH levels. The association was most pronounced among children with higher PAH levels and null for the GSTM1 gene (RR, 1.54; P = .001). Conclusions: Prenatal exposure to cockroach allergen was associated with a greater risk of allergic sensitization. This risk was increased by exposure to nonvolatile PAHs, with children null for the GSTM1 mutation particularly vulnerable.
机译:背景:对蟑螂的过敏是低收入城市社区哮喘发病率最高的最确定的危险因素之一。但是,尚未完全阐明与致敏作用发展有关的接触时间。此外,暴露于包括多环芳烃(PAHs)在内的燃烧副产物可增加过敏性过敏的发展。目的:我们试图检验以下假说:产前测量的家养蟑螂过敏原将预测幼儿期的蟑螂致敏性,并且对于暴露于较高PAH浓度的儿童,这种关联性更大。方法:纳入居住在纽约市的多米尼加裔和非洲裔美国孕妇。在孕晚期,准妈妈们穿着个人空气采样器来测量8种非挥发性多环芳烃和半挥发性多环芳烃dust,并从家中收集灰尘以测量过敏原。谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶μ1(GSTM1)基因多态性进行了测量的儿童。从2、3、5和7岁的儿童测量过敏原特异性IgE水平。结果:产前厨房灰尘中的Bla g 2预测5至7岁时的蟑螂致敏性(调整后的相对风险[RR],1.15; P = .001; n = 349)。仅在大于(RR,1.22; P = .001)但不小于(RR,1.07; P = .24)8种非挥发性PAH水平中位数总和的儿童中观察到这种关联。该关联在PAH较高的儿童中最为明显,而对于GSTM1基因则无效(RR,1.54; P = .001)。结论:产前暴露于蟑螂过敏原与变态反应致敏的风险更高。暴露于非易失性PAHs会增加这种风险,GSTM1突变无效的儿童尤其容易受到伤害。


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