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Implementation of the reform of the intern year second interim report on the implementation of recommendations of the National Committee report on the intern year phase 2: July 2010 – July 2011

机译:实施实习期第二次中期报告的改革的实施情况全国委员会关于实习年第二阶段报告的建议的执行情况:2010年7月– 2011年7月


Internship in its current form has been in place in Ireland for decades with, until veryudrecently, little reform or development. Intern training has developed from a predominantlyud“apprenticeship” model to being a structured, properly resourced training programme forudmedical graduates. There is no doubt that the implementation of the recommendations ofudthe NCMET Report has greatly improved the structure of intern training, has brought a highudlevel of transparency to the recruitment of interns and has allowed graduates to experienceudthe realities of clinical practice in a wider range of specialties.udImplementation of the reforms recommended in the report of the National Committee onudMedical Training has continued, following the initial implementation phase in 2009/10.udPrincipal among the reforms introduced during the second year of implementation included:ud• The formal establishment of the Mid-West Intern Training Network;ud• The establishment of an additional 30 intern training places;ud• The implementation of the National Intern Training Programme;ud• The introduction of the requirement for demonstration of English language proficiency.udHowever, challenges remain. Key amongst these challenges are (i) graduate retention andud(ii) the number of available intern posts.udThe HSE undertook a survey of the cohort of interns who completed internship in July 2011.udWhile the response to the survey was low, at 44%, the feedback provided by interns isudhelpful in contributing to the ongoing development of intern training. A summary of theudsurvey results is provided in Section 8 and the composite national results are included atudAppendix C.udThe HSE undertook a tracking study of interns completing training in July 2011. It wouldudappear that approximately half of this cohort are not currently working in the Irish healthudservice. While this is understandably a matter of concern, particularly given the State’sudconsiderable investment in medical education and training and the health service’s ongoingudreliance on overseas medical recruitment, it is not unusual for Irish doctors to spend someudtime abroad after internship and most return home. It will be important to continue toudmonitor this situation to obtain a clear picture of the attrition rate from the Irish medicaludeducation and training pathway.udBy law, all medical graduates in Ireland must complete internship in order to practiseudmedicine. There is a significant deficit in the number of intern posts available for theudGovernment- funded expanded number of medical graduates. Investment in undergraduateudmedical education has not been matched by investment at intern level. The current deficit, ifudunchecked, will therefore result in a significant number of graduates of Irish medical schoolsudbeing unable to practise medicine in Ireland. This would represent a waste of significantudState resources, a missed opportunity to generate a domestically-trained medical workforceudand would have serious implications for individual students and their medical schools.
机译:当前形式的实习制度在爱尔兰已经存在了数十年,直到最近或几乎没有进行任何改革或发展。实习生培训已经从一种主要的“学徒制”模式发展成为一种结构化的,资源充足的针对医学专业毕业生的培训计划。毫无疑问,《 NCMET报告》建议的实施极大地改善了实习培训的结构,为实习生的招聘带来了很高的透明度,并使毕业生能够体验到临床实践的真实情况。在2009/10的最初实施阶段之后,继续进行国家培训委员会报告中建议的改革。实施第二年实施的主要改革包括: ud•正式建立了中西部实习生培训网络; ud•建立了另外30个实习生培训场所; ud•实施了国家实习生培训计划; ud•引入了示范要求 ud然而,挑战依然存在。这些挑战中的关键是(i)毕业生的留任率和 ud(ii)可用的实习职位的数量。 udHSE对2011年7月完成实习的实习生进行了调查。 ud对调查的回应很低,实习生提供的反馈占44%,有助于不断发展实习培训。 udsurvey结果的摘要在第8节中提供,综合的国家结果包含在 ud附录C中。 udHSE对实习生于2011年7月完成培训进行了追踪研究。目前不在爱尔兰的health udservice中工作。尽管这是一个令人担忧的问题,特别是考虑到该州在医学教育和培训上的投资非常低,而且卫生服务部门对海外医疗招募的持续依赖,但爱尔兰医生在实习后花一些时间在国外工作并不稀奇,回家。继续监督这种情况以从爱尔兰的医学教育和培训途径中了解流失率很重要。 ud法律规定,爱尔兰的所有医学毕业生都必须完成实习才能从事 udmedicine。政府资助扩大的医学毕业生的可用实习职位数量严重不足。本科/医学教育方面的投资没有与实习级的投资相匹配。如果不加以控制,当前的赤字将导致大量爱尔兰医学院的毕业生无法在爱尔兰从事医学工作。这将浪费大量的国家资源,缺少机会来培养经过国内培训的医务人员,这将对个别学生及其医学院产生严重影响。



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